I plan to. How does it feel guys? Do you get FB withdrawal blues? - being isolated from friends/family/etc?
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Felt great for me. Instant relief from drama, stupid people and a time sink I definitely didn't need. Was my last brush with social media (other than these forums). No FB, no tweeter, no nothing. Feels great.
Never had a FB account. I'm ok with forum posting in various tech sites. There are a few people with the same name as me on FB. Anyone know how I can remove those accounts? That was a joke, please I was just kidding around. Would never do anything like that.
Bet most of you been on FB for years. I activated mine for the first time ever 4 months ago and it's great!
I deactivated my account and removed all of my friends about 3 months ago. Just recently have I reactivated it, but have only added immediate family. I like to keep it because of the pages I like - keeps me current on news, bands, etc. But, I can live without the 'Farmville' requests, recipes, play-by-play happenings of people I could care less about, pics of their kids taken every 5 minutes with dumb captions like, "Timmy playing in the backyard", etc.
I only deactivate it around my birthday. Haven't made a post on FB since like February, nobody bothers me and I get to stay touch about how my friends are doing. FB is a tool, you just gotta learn to harness it.
did that a long time ago. i made it years ago, never used it. kept getting emails and shit telling me i had like 30+ frind requests pending. i did use it a couple times when Mass Effect 3 was coming out. there was a facebook game thingy to get some free stuff. did that.
finally got tired of the emails and shit, so just deactivated it. nothing of value was lost
I only started using Facebook in February. I only started using it for two reasons: I have a lot of family that I haven't spoken to that wanted to friend me and because a lot of companies are requiring Facebook to register for their services (Vevo and iheartradio were two examples until recently).
I prefer not to use it very often but I don't take the route some people who like to brag that they hate everything that is popular and shun it for the hell of it. I just take the smart route and don't put anything on there that I don't want people to see as well as not accepting every single friend request people I don't know send.
Took me a while to get into FB, I've only had my present a/c for a couple years.
Before that my life wasn't really all that exciting to be posting it all over Facebook, still isn't that much more exciting.
It's good for catching up with old school friends and all that, spying on ex's lol, yeah I'm that guy.
I don't like how people hang out all their dirty laundry on Facebook and all though my dinner is one of the highlights of my day, I don't feel the need to post pics of it on Facebook. That is all.
I'd rather upload a group of photos of my son for family to see instead of texting everybody individually, so no, lol.
I use FB to get info and sending info for political reason ... My country is not stable atm ... ... normaly within groups ... but rarely use it for personel feelings like what most women and emotional guys do.
I only opened fb once it didn't even have my name I only opened it to watch a vid back in high school
Other than missing the chance to meet people there I've never really felt the need to open a fb account
I gradually stopped using it and eventually permanently deleted it since I used it so little. It made no difference to me.
Yes, I deactivated my first FB because I didn't want to use my old email as my log in. It searched my email for emails that people used as log ins on FB and "recommended" them as friends. I wanted to use a new email so I made a new one and used that to make a new FB account.
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