Do you have any reliable sources to back up your claims? Also I must mention the irony that is your icon. The image of "Why So Socialist" with Obama as the joker is a huge logical fail. The Joker was an anarchist, something that is polar opposite of socialism. :|
I want some sources for those statements.
This'll get you started (sorry, I'm having trouble with HTML on the site right now):
Chicagonow is not a reliable source for accurate news, her is a quote from Chicagonow about what it is:
"ChicagoNow is an online community created by Chicagoans for Chicagoans.
More than 10 million of us call ourselves Chicagoans. Some of us live in the city proper, many of us live in the suburbs and more than a few live a plane ride away. Our stories vary, but all of us are connected to Chicago. ChicagoNow is where we connect to each other online and share our interests.
Every day, our bloggers post more than 100 entries about all things Chicago. One day you might read about CTA fare cuts, see photos of a new bar in Pilsen or watch an interview with Jay Cutler. The next day you might read about Blago's latest stunt, listen to a podcast streaming live from Boystown or watch Miss Illinois work out.
It's our bloggers' job to lead the conversation on Chicago. We encourage you to join the conversation by commenting on their posts. Many of our bloggers are also on Twitter and host their own meet-ups offline. To find out more about our bloggers, including how to contact them directly, please see their individual about pages.
Read more: http://www.chicagonow.com/about-chicago-now.html#ixzz1ClGrLKqa "That blog also contained buzzed words that showed heavy bias like "Government Take Over", more over that blogger source was CNSNews, a news website I've never heard of but seems more reliable than the blog, and that news site did have a reliable source of a government website that had this to say about the waivers being granted "Annual limits waivers are temporary. In 2014 annual dollar limits will be prohibited and mini-med plans will no longer be necessary." Basically CNSNews reported that these waviers were only year long waviers and according to the government website linked in the CNSNews Article, these waviers will be irrelavent and useless in 2014 as any annual limit will be prohibited. So they are not being exempt from all of the "ObamaCare" and what they are is only temporary for one year, and they can no longer be exempt in 2014.In your hotair article (which doesn't look trustworth at all but did include links to the same government website as CNSNews) they say this "Well today, the day after the President's State of the Union, the new waivers are up. You may recall that there were 222 such waivers approved in November. That number has now jumped to 729 through the end of December. The total number of people covered by the waivers has gone from 1.5M to just under 2.2M. The list includes the usual assortment of union locals and businesses."
So lets look at this statement shall we? At the end of Decemeber there were 729 Waviers approved, you said he was handing out "thousands of waviers" 729 waviers is not "thousands" and more over, again all these waviers are temporary and become irrelavent in 2014. Now these waviers cover just under 2.2 Million people which may seem like a lot but compared to the population of the United States (308,745,538 according to the 2010 Census) only 0.71% of the population's employers are exempt from annual dollar limits.So far the only link you presented that gave any insite on to why corporations would want to become exempt from the annual dollar limit is the RealClearPolitics and Hotair link which had this to say "But Jay Blumenthal, financial vice president of the Local 802 Musicians Health Fund in New York, did explain to me: "We got grandfathered in" (his description for getting a pass) because "things were moving so fast" and "we need time now to prepare for the law." and Hotair said this "This ever-expanding list of waivers is the direct result of ObamaCare raising the annual benefit caps on certain health plans. Obviously, a plan with higher annual limits is potentially more costly than one without them. The money to cover the difference in premiums has to come from somewhere. Without the waivers, it will come from the employer who are forced by law to upgrade to the more expensive plan."
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