Hey guys! I need to get 100 surveys filled out by Friday and I thought I should ask you guys to help me out! All you have to do is just quote this post and fill out the survey. I will then hand write in your answers for hard copy to hand in!
SURVEY: Should we bring American troops home from Iraq?
1. Age:
2. Race:
3. State you live in:
4. Native Language:
5. Religious Affiliation
6. Gender:
7. Polical Party: (Republican, Democrat, Independent)
8. Annual Income: (0-20k, 20-30k, 30-40k, 50+k)
9. Relationship Status: (Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed)
10. Highest level of schooling: (High School, AA, BA, Masters, Doctorate)
11. Do you support the draft? (No, Yes)
12. Have you served in the military? (Yes, previously - Yes, currently - No, never)
13. If so, how long were you deployed? (1-6mo, 6-12mo, 1-2yr, 2+yr)
14. Has a close relative served in the military? (Yes, previously - Yes, currently - No, never)
15. If so, how long were they deployed? (1-6mo, 6-12mo, 1-2yr, 2+yr)
16. Have you lost someone close to the war in Iraq? (No, Yes)
17. Do you know anyone who is currently serving in Iraq? (No, Yes)
18. Do you favor or oppose the war in Iraq? (Favor, Oppose, Unsure)
19. Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Bush is handleing the situation in Iraq? (Approve, Disapprove, Unsure)
20. Do you think the US did the right thing in taking military action against Iraq, or should the US have stayed out? (Right thing, Stayed Out, Unsure)
21. Do you think the attacks against Iraq are in result from 9/11? (Yes, No, Unsure)
22. Do you think that the war in Iraw is about other things that the government is claiming (oil, previous events, etc)? (Yes, No, Unsure)
23. Do you think the US goal of achiveing victory in Iraq is still possible? (Still possible, Not possible, Unsure)
24. Do you think the recent increase in troops levels in Iraw is... (Helping, Hurting, Not making a Difference, Unsure) the war against Iraq?
25. What comes closest to your view about what the US should now do about the number of US troops in Iraq? (Send more, Keep the same, Withdraw some, Withdraw all, unsure)
26. Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republic Party or the Democratic Party is more likely to make the right decisions about the war in Iraq? (Republican, Democrat, Both, Neither, Unsure)
27. Which party seems more apt to bring home the troops? (Repub, Democrat, Both, Neither, Unsure)
28. Is bringing the troops home a large concern for you in the next election? (Large Concern, Some Concern, Little Concern, No Concern)
29. In past elections, what was your level of concern concerning the war in Iraq? (Large Concern, Some Concern, Little Concern, No Concern)
30. In the long run, will Iraq be much better off, somewhat better off, somewhat worse off, or much worse off than before the US troops were sent over to Iraq? (Better Off, Somewhat Better Off, Somewhat Worse Off, Much Worse Off, Unsure).
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