Many people have mixed opinions of Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker.
Some say he pulls off the roll of a disturbed twisted criminal mind very well. Others suggest that he is too messed-up and not "jokey" enough.
Here's my opinion of the Joker.
I feel the Joker hates the world, hates people, hates everything. He has little respect for human life (sometimes even his own) and will sometimes without hesitation murder the henchmen he hired in the first place.
He really takes nothing seriously, holds nothing sacred. Batman could have crashed into him on his motorcycle killing him, and Joker knew this, but instead of trying to protect himself, he just stood there, "for the heck of it," to "see if Batman would do it and if he did what the consequences would look like."
To the Joker, everything is a game. He puts others and himself in harm's way almost just for fun. To him, the world is just a toy to experiment with. He has no long-term goal, like money or an empire or justice, as Alfred told Bruce Wayne, "some men just want to watch the world burn."
On one hand, he likes to be the rat scientist with the world as his lab putting them in situations to see how they react, but on the other hand, he has no problem casting his own life and his own safety into the equation.
Many times, he puts himself in harm's way.
When he is about to pull the grenade pin off his jacket after he performs the "magic trick."
When Batman almost crashes his motorcycle into him.
When he challenges Twoface to shoot him on the flip of a coin.
When he falls off the building at the end and instead of being afraid, laughs at what is happening.
The man really has no fear, holds nothing sacred, has no goals, has no sense of respect, thinks nothing of rules, for him the world is nothing but a big game with pieces for him to play.
In some ways, he almost reminds me of this:
What do you think of my analysis? Thoughts? Criticism?
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