honestly who the hell likes her, how the hell is she doing so well in the poles???? I think her success is mostly BS, and it seems like the only people that like her are those that want a female president (no matter who), or those that don't know crap about politics.
Anyway when it comes down to it the run for president is pretty much just a match of who's the coolest canidate. Just look at past elections:
Bush vs Kerry - kerry was seen as overly intelectual, Bush as the Southern cowboy posteboy of 9/11
Bush vs Gore - Gore was as stiff as a bored w/ much less personality, Bush was a failed daddies boy.
Clinton Vs Dole - Dole came off like some cranky old guy while Clinton was pretty much as cool as a Kennedy.
Clinton Vs Bush - Bush was shafted by florida hurricanes, and didn't have the public speaking skills to change his image (like father like son) basically anyone the democrates ran was going to win.
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