Just curious, do the moral failings of others excuse our own moral failings?
of course it does not but it does provide a framework in which to judge whose moral failings are the most justifiable.some might say if you sneak up behind a guy and clobber him and later you get hunted down and have all your teeth knocked out that there is a difference.
maybe there is not any difference , i really don't know, but to me it feels that way.
since in the example of nanking 300,000 civillians were killed and the japanese papers at home ran stories of japanese beheading contests all bets are off when it comes to the application of mercy.
If a guy slaughters a family in a city far away from me and I'm later locked in a fight with that same man am I justified in then slaughtering his family? That's what it sounds like to me.
heh, well lock it is nothing but an endless rabbit hole you end up going down on stuff like this.did that mans family give him moral, physical and emotional support that later allowed him to have the strength and willpower to slaughter someone else?
are they in part just as responsible for the later deaths he causes?
i tend to believe we are all equally guilty and all the bizarre perceptual biases we have come directly from if we didn't have them we would all feel like crap every second of every day.
or if we did have the ability to see our parts in all these atrocities we would just off ourselves in guilt.
what was done then to those people is directly my fault and i may as well dropped the bomb myself since it and every other atrocity committed in the past was done in my name.
of course they call it doing it for "posterity" but really that is me. i am the "posterity" they did it for.
i only exist because of a mountain of bodies piled up by my ancestors.
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