I'm not saying that h-omosexuality is right or wrong, because I honestly don't care at all. To explain the point I'm trying to make though, I'm going to use a food metaphor.
A person has an option to eat either carrots or lettuce for his meal. He chooses carrots because he prefers the taste of them, but he could have eaten lettuce if he was forced to, even if he disliked the taste of lettuce.
Another person has the same option, but he chooses lettuce because he's deathly allergic to carrots. He did not have a choose in the matter because eating the carrots would have physically harmed him.
Now for how this metaphor applies to h-omosexuality. Technically any h-omosexual could have sexual relations with a member of the opposite sex, he might strongly dislike the idea of it, but he would be at no physical risk by doing so. That doesn't mean that he should be looking for women, but that technically that option isn't impossible.
H-omosexuality isn't a mandatory choice, but a strong sexual preference.
I would have to agree with most, and say that this is a horrible analogy, although I understand what youre saying. You mean that EVERYBODY in the end, has a choice. OfcourseI could CHOOSE to take it up the bum, but would I want to? NO. Would it feel naturalfor me to do so? NO. So the same could be said for homosexuals. A gay man could CHOOSE to get with a woman, but would he want to? NO. Would it feel natural for him to do so? NO. So yes, everybody always has a choice about anything they do, but that isnt the point at all. It feels NATURAL for them to be attracted to the same sex, and things that you FEEL cant be changed so easilyby simplechoice. You cant just CHOOSE to feel differently about something you already feelso strongly about. With most things, I would say "Hey, its your opinion". But in this case, youre just wrong. Nice try though.
EDIT~~Oh yeah...and "mandatory choice" really makes no sense at all.
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