If only sex ed was like that everywhere.
Why weren't the students arrested for under age drinking?
People generally aren't arrested for simply having drank underage.
My point is, unless she rammed that beer down their throats, that crime is on them and not her.
The crime here is supplying. So it IS on her.
This is a pretty easy situation to avoid as a teacher.
I didn't read the article, and I don't know the law in that state, but in my state you only need 60 college hours to qualify as a rank iv sub.
Still it's not hard to keep your hands off the students. If nothing else, just wait till they graduate.
lol i don't think you could ever victimize an 18 year old male with sex.
Especially when a hot teacher is involved. :P
Very unprofessional
Her actions or the article title?
Wow the actual titles is worse. "Banging them, giving them beer"
Yay, journalism
As Larry the Cable Guy would say: "I don't care who you are, that's funny right there".
Wow the actual titles is worse. "Banging them, giving them beer"
Yay, journalism
I tried to put the whole title but the 60 character limit struck again. What pisses me off about the new website is the old one would make you stop typing after you pass the character limit but the new website lets you keep typing and just alerts you that you went to far after you hit submit.
Yeah that is annoying. Should've stuck to the old way.
Why is this even a thing?
Because a teacher supplied alcohol to underage studnets and then had sex with them.
How were they under-age? The title clearly states that they were 18.
Because the age that the title states (18) is under the legal drinking age (21) in the US state of PA, where this crime took place.
the age that the title states (18) is under the legal drinking age (21)
under the legal age
under age
Then why is the fact she had sex with them relevant? If the only problem is that they were too young to drink shouldn't she have only been charged with that?
I'm pretty sure the age of consent in America isn't 21
Age of Consent in Pennsylvania is 16, I know because I live there.
Unprofessional and a bit stupid, unless she wanted to be unemployed.
Everyones to blame in this, she shouldn't of offered something like that in her line of work. The two guys had complete free will though, not like they had a gun to their head or were being blackmailed. If she had said it would affect their school record if they didn't, that would be different.
Should she be held accountable? Yes, if she was the complete aggressor in the situation, in terms of offering everything to them to begin with.
Free beer and sex though, I bet those 18 year olds got to her apartment quicker than the road runner.
They are 18, charging her makes no sense. Ugh puritans... let people do whatever they want with their sex lives for god's sake. It's her and her husband's problem, nobody elses.
They are 18, charging her makes no sense. Ugh puritans... let people do whatever they want with their sex lives for god's sake. It's her and her husband's problem, nobody elses.
"They are 18, charging her makes no sense"
How does charging someone with a crime because their actions constituted a violation of criminal law not make sense?
Well the criminalization is what makes no sense then. The guys were not underage, they were not raped.
They are 18, charging her makes no sense. Ugh puritans... let people do whatever they want with their sex lives for god's sake. It's her and her husband's problem, nobody elses.
"They are 18, charging her makes no sense"
How does charging someone with a crime because their actions constituted a violation of criminal law not make sense?
Well the criminalization is what makes no sense then. The guys were not underage, they were not raped.
She is not being charged with rape, and I don't think anyone is saying that they were raped.
I know that. I'm criticizing the fact that you can charge anyone for two or more adults engaging in any type of consenting sexual practice. For me that's a ridiculous notion that has no place in modern society.
Extremely unprofessional, adulterous, and definitely contributing to underage drinking but I can't go to "victimizes". I don't believe for a second that every single aspect of this wasn't completely consensual for all parties involved. A victim-less crime if there ever was one.
Two dudes put the pipe to some chick. Someone over 21 buys some drinks for someone under 21. Wife cheats on husband. This happens everyday. Her being a teacher (and not even a real one) is the only thing that makes this somewhat newsworthy.
Hot damn I wouldn't mind being victimized by her.
On topic this is a very strange case since they're both 18 and she isn't even a full time teacher at the school.
Where were all these hot teachers when I was in high school?? O.O
It's funny that you mention that because if the genders were switched everyone here would be calling the teacher dirty names.
Where were all these hot teachers when I was in high school?? O.O
It's funny that you mention that because if the genders were switched everyone here would be calling the teacher dirty names.
Not me :P
Yes, that is the actual title of the story. Only slightly edited so I could fit it in the topic title.
Tiffany Leiseth, a substitute teacher for the New Brighton Area School District in Pennsylvania, invited two different 18-year old seniors into her apartment for booze and sex while her husband was out of town on business. Even though they were 18 she faces charges because she was in a position of authority over the students and they haven't officially graduated.
I'd still bang her ass quick,even if I was 18,17,16,etc...At this stage in my life{being 40+}I'm not to picky,I'll take anything with a decent face/body above 25yoa,as long as she has a vagina.
Additionally, buying them booze shouldn't be a crime either. If your old enough to potentially be forced against your will by the government to go fight and die in a war whether or not you support the ideas behind the war, then you're old enough to drink. Either you're an adult at 18, or you aren't. Everything at 18, or everything at 21.
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