I don't like the decision at all to be honest. I feel that nothing can be accomplished when we are trying to work with the most corrupt government in the world. Pull the troops out and save American lives.
And let another Taliban with Osama Binladen take over the country? No thanks. I remember what they did last time. We already abandoned them once, and we paid dearly for it.First off, Osama Bin Laden was never in charge of the country. Second off, Al Qaeda is leaving Afghanistan in droves. Most US military commanders and national security advisers acknowledge this. We are primarily fighting the Taiblan; a group that has no transnational agenda. It wants to rule Afghanistan, not take over America or something absurd like that.
Also, why has this narrative emerged that Afghanistan was the place that all the 9/11 attackers were from and trained in? Hell, some of them trained RIGHT HERE IN THE US. Some of them were from Saudi Arabia. We could take over the entire world and terrorism would still exist. Fighting in Afghanistan just frees up extremist organizations to operate elsewhere with relative impunity...as our attention is obsessively focused on Afghanistan. They can move anywhere in the world they want. Fighting in Afghanistan isn't going to preclude or preempt anything.
So if the Taliban comes back, you don't think Al Qaeda would too? And when did I say Osama was in charge of the country? Yes, there was some training outside of the country (i.e. flight schools), but Afghanistan was where the attacks were planned and coordinated. There was definitely training there too. Besides, what is relavent now is that we leave the country in a stable condition. You can't go in to a country, remove the existing government, and not hold any responsibility for what happens next. If we leave before the country is stable, it will come back to haunt us.
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