There are a few items to consider in this matter:
1. Why do we want the death penalty? If it is there merely to satisfy a sick obsession with death by using convicted murderers then clearly that should not be allowed, as it's rather sadistic and uncivilized and makes us little better (morally) than the Romans and their Colosseum. If we want it to deter further crimes then there should be some verifiable data supporting that hypothesis; however, no conclusive study has ever been presented (to my knowledge) that states that the death penalty deters crimes such as murder. If we want it for retribution then I do not think it should be allowed because "retribution" is merely another word for "revenge," which is an irrational quality, and I believe a rational penal system is the greatest root.
2. What is society trying to say with the death penalty? Are we saying that we are morally superior to the criminals. . .by doing exactly what the criminals did? If society holds moral superiority over the criminal then shouldn't our actions reflect this?
3. If we are doing it in respect to the phrase "an eye for an eye," why do not rape rapists or torture torturers? Given the choice between rape and death, I believe most people would choose rape, arguably making it a "lesser" punishment than the death penalty; so wouldn't a rapist be subject to the legal distribution of rape? Same argument applies for all crimes, really.
4. What about those on Death Row who are innocent of the crime for which they were convicted? It has been shown through DNA testing that it was impossible for some felons on Death Row to have committed the crimes for which they were scheduled to be executed, which means that we have and still are executing innocent people. If the purpose of the Death Penalty is to kill "those who kill our men, women and children," and if the Death Penalty is killing innocents in addition to that, then how can we possibly justify the Death Penalty? It makes no sense. The only way we could is if we could objectively prove that 100% of criminals on Death Row are innocent of the crimes of which they were convicted, and that is not possible even with DNA testing.
5. We should also consider costs involved. Due to the appeals process to which every Death Row inmate has a right, the Death Penalty actually costs more taxpayer money than to imprison somebody for the rest of their lives, with food and electricity provided.
These are just a few reasons why I do not support the Death Penalty in any circumstance. The Death Penalty fails in its objectives, costs a ton of money, executes innocent people, arguably deteriorates the morality of a society by serving to satisfy an irrational bloodlust, and is incompatible with a civilized nation of rational people.
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