My school chose a cool tennis picture of me from last year to be on the top of our Athletics page! I represent our School's athletics, and everyone will always tell me I look cool/stylish in this picture. What do you think?
I suggest you guys wear sunglasses like the ones I'm wearing, they always make you look cool.
... :) I'll be honest. You're young, and you've alot of growing up to do. First, congratulations on representing your school's atheletics. You should be proud, but frankly, coming to GS and posting "How do I LOOK in this picture?" and then recommending that we wear those sunglasses... Eh.. Yeah.. I laughed. They DO remind me of Cyclop's sunglasses, which would have been cool to wear out when I was about.. Maybe, nine or ten. Which is about ten years ago. As you grow and mature, you'll either regret ever making this thread or forget all about it. I hope for your sake, it's the latter.
By posting this thread, you've appeared to be both arrogant and egotistical. Which nobody likes. Those sunglasses, in my opinion make you look foolish and under-bred. That is MY OPINION. Not fact, if you want to wear them when you're 19, then go ahead. But, be prepared to be making threads here titled;
"Why won't girls go out with me?"
Well really all the girls commented me on the picture saying I looked cool in it, everyone said liked it. Well this was a photo shoot actually, the photographer made me get in tihs stance, he gave me like 10 different stances(forehand, backhand, SERVE, and then this cool looking one). Well as for me recommending sunglasses to everyone, well everyone can take that different ways. Really though it's a good idea to wear them, sun's rays can really harm the eyes. They say the sun's harmful rays can be just as deadly as playing a video game a lot where you have to focus. That's why I wear them, to protect my eyes.Â
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