hey guys. liberalus here. i need some help from u all. i feel like im acting very awkard around ppl lately. i dont know why. a couple months ago i wasnt awkward. but now i am. can u guys give tips to stop the awkwardness?
i tink part of the reason is because its that feeling ur being watched. like u know how when u feel ur being watched u go all awkward? same thing happens to me. i think its because of the authoritarian nature of the govt with this whole nsa thing which contradicts my anarcho-syndacalist beliefs. i just feel like the big authoritarian govt of the us is watching me and its making me awkward.Â
thanks for the help every1. if u cant help me, post stories of the most awkward situations uve been in, in ur life. so even if u cant help me, atleast u and other posters will have a laugh
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