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If you force someone into sexual intercourse against their will, regardless of them being married to you, then it is rape.Treflis
I agree. I never forced myself on my wife. I always have to do it the old-fashioned way with some sweet talk or maybe an expensive rock.
[QUOTE="T_P_O"] Oh, it's a big deal, it's just that many seem to dress this up as an anti-male piece of legislation. Which is something I'm still absolutely not understanding.Deano
I already stated previously there is no way my wife could ever rape me.
I think it's crazy you'd support a law that could put you away for 25 years simply on someones word.
I know of no one even going to trial ONLY on someone's word. They do look for evidence.....:|I think it's crazy you'd support a law that could put you away for 25 years simply on someones word.DeanoI missed this edit. Anyhoo, there's a thing called "beyond reasonable doubt" that's applied in criminal cases, it requires a hell of a lot more than just someone's word since it's a standard of proof.
If you force someone into sexual intercourse against their will, regardless of them being married to you, then it is rape.TreflisI dont completely agree. Why would you marry someone you dont want to be intimate with? To me, that would suggest it is a "marriage of convenience" to gain citizenship for example.
i think you should be allowed to rape your wife. after all she is your wife and should have sex with you till death due us part
[QUOTE="Treflis"]If you force someone into sexual intercourse against their will, regardless of them being married to you, then it is rape.STAR_AdmiralI dont completely agree. Why would you marry someone you dont want to be intimate with? To me, that would suggest it is a "marriage of convenience" to gain citizenship for example. There is a difference between never having intimacy and not being in the mood for it just because a partner is. None the less....rape is a crime.
I honestly cannot believe some of the posts I've read in this thread.:(
Wife...yes.|countries in the middle east would dissagree[QUOTE="GrabTheYayo"]
i think you should be allowed
Wife...yes.|countries in the middle east would dissagree That does NOT make it right......[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]
i think you should be allowed
[QUOTE="GrabTheYayo"]countries in the middle east would dissagree That does NOT make it right......who says your american views on the matter is correct and they are not? ;)[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] Wife...yes.|
There are situations in which rape can be proven...
What if there are witnesses? What if it's caught on video? Should people get away with that just because they're having a relationship?
Or say, for example a spouse requested sex from his/her partner, the partner openly refuses, and the spouse forces himself/herself upon him/her. If that person defends himself/herself from the rapist and hurts him/her, wouldn't that actually make the rapist a victim, since rape in a relationship would be completely legal?
That does NOT make it right......who says your american views on the matter is correct and they are not? ;) Has nothing to do with being American and everything to do with respect for other humans....and the integrity of their body.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="GrabTheYayo"]countries in the middle east would dissagree
That does NOT make it right......who says your american views on the matter is correct and they are not? ;)Because the "american" views support equality of women and men and that is the right view. End of story.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="GrabTheYayo"]countries in the middle east would dissagree
That does NOT make it right......who says your american views on the matter is correct and they are not? ;)Because his Western views are enlightened and respect the self-ownership of the individual, whereas your Muslim views are backwards and misogynist? I don't care what middle-eastern countries have to say; spousal rape is wrong.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="GrabTheYayo"]countries in the middle east would dissagree
Rape is rape, but if he's trying to rape you, why the hell would you marry him anyway?
Also, the bible can bite me, everyone has a choice.
[QUOTE="mindstorm"]I'm confused by your statement in the poll "No, because sex is part of the marital due according to the Bible." Just because Scripture says not to deny your spouse sexual pleasure does not mean rape is fine. :| Rape is rape regardless of any preexisting relationship.Teenagedmindstorm, does the Bible encourage sex only for reproduction? Not that I'm aware of. :P
Heck, read the book Song of Solomon and you'll quickly notice that. From what I have gained from Scripture marriage should consist of frequent, passionate, and enjoyable sex. Sure Christians debate whether or not we should use birth control but I personally see no problem with birth control from a biblical perspective. The command to "be fruitful and multiply" should be an enjoyable experience. :P
Personally, I have every intention of "waiting until marriage" but once that honeymoon comes I shall grab some redbull and gaterade as we are locked away for a week. ;)
mindstorm, does the Bible encourage sex only for reproduction? Not that I'm aware of. :P[QUOTE="Teenaged"][QUOTE="mindstorm"]I'm confused by your statement in the poll "No, because sex is part of the marital due according to the Bible." Just because Scripture says not to deny your spouse sexual pleasure does not mean rape is fine. :| Rape is rape regardless of any preexisting relationship.mindstorm
Heck, read the book Song of Solomon and you'll quickly notice that. From what I have gained from Scripture marriage should consist of frequent, passionate, and enjoyable sex. Sure Christians debate whether or not we should use birth control but I personally see no problem with birth control from a biblical perspective. The command to "be fruitful and multiply" should be an enjoyable experience. :P
Personally, I have every intention of "waiting until marriage" but once that honeymoon comes I shall grab some redbull and gaterade as we are locked away for a week. ;)
No I dont mean if it condemns us enjoying sex. But does it condemn having sex just for pleasure (using a condom for instance)? Because certain Christians do speak as if it does.No I dont mean if it condemns us enjoying sex. But does it condemn having sex just for pleasure? Because certain Christians do speak as if it does.TeenagedMany Christians do believe that but I haven't actually seen Scriptural evidence of that. There might be one or two passages a person can make a stretched argument for saying sex purely for pleasure is wrong but there seems to be much more expressed to the contrary.
Personally I think the idea that sex should only be for procreation is more based in tradition than Scripture. I haven't studied this specific idea historically but many times the church sees the culture exemplifying an action and then they go into the opposite direction. As an example, due to the extensive use of provocative dancing many churches have turned down the idea of dancing all together. Basically, as the culture perverts something good, the church often times overreacts by forgetting there was anything good there to begin with.
Because the culture exemplifies sexual deviancy the church has often responded by abandoning sexual altogether or by making every sexual act permissible. Sex is a very good thing but can easily be made perverse. There needs to be a balance between those two ideas.
The woman in your scenario could still get justice by charging him with assault and battery, and giving him a max sentence. Like I mentioned to the other poster a minute ago, there could even be a clause that allows for a longer sentence for this particular type of assault.
I don't think you mentioned this, but some other people seem concerned about the "hassle" of changing the law. If you're really interested in justice, that hassle shouldn't matter.
A max sentence for assault and battery is probably no more than five years. In some states, it's even less than a year. In California, it's six months. If you lived in California, and your husband brutally raped you, he could get no more than six months in jail. And you're calling this justice.
Let's recap.
You have stated that a wife in a marriage is obligated to have sex with her husband whenever he wants, no matter what, even if she doesn't want sex at the time.
You have stated that if a wife is raped by her husband because she didn't want sex, then the rape is her fault.
You have stated that if a wife has a video of her refusing sex and screaming for help while her husband rapes her, he should not be able to be charged with rape, simply because she is married to him.
You have stated that assault and battery is an acceptable substitute, despite the fact that you have openly admitted the massive difference in maximum sentence for assault and battery compared to rape.
I tend to look very unfavorably upon those who cry "sexism", but in this situation I am finding such a charge very, very difficult not to make. Your position is utterly indefensible, and frankly, I pray that you are not serious, because if you are, I feel genuine pity for you, as if so, then you are truly lost.
As I think we have officially left the bounds of even slight reasonability, I will say only one more thing before leaving this thread permanently: if, in order to maintain your interpretation of a holy book, you find yourself needing to oppose the legal ability to charge a rapist with rape, even in the face of utterly undeniable evidence... then you might want to revisit that interpretation.
You know.. Men are sometimes raped by women, too. It would be a 2-way street. You make it sound like this is meant to target women.
My statements also included the possibility of adding a clause to the assault and battery charge to allow for a long sentence in cases like this. Funny that you didn't "recap" that.
I have no issue with charging a rapist with rape. I contend that rape should be treated as assault once you're married to someone, live with them, and have an ongoing sexual relationship with them. More or less, that a true "rape" isn't possible anymore under these circumstances. Abuse, yes.. but I think that once you show a willingness to have sex with someone all the time, you shouldn't be able to charge them with straight-up rape. I know most of you disagree with this, but that's how I see it. I think that marriage should be the official line where the charges can't be filed as such.
Many Christians do believe that but I haven't actually seen Scriptural evidence of that. There might be one or two passages a person can make a stretched argument for saying sex purely for pleasure is wrong but there seems to be much more expressed to the contrary.[QUOTE="Teenaged"]No I dont mean if it condemns us enjoying sex. But does it condemn having sex just for pleasure? Because certain Christians do speak as if it does.mindstorm
Personally I think the idea that sex should only be for procreation is more based in tradition than Scripture. I haven't studied this specific idea historically but many times the church sees the culture exemplifying an action and then they go into the opposite direction. As an example, due to the extensive use of provocative dancing many churches have turned down the idea of dancing all together. Basically, as the culture perverts something good, the church often times overreacts by forgetting there was anything good there to begin with.
Because the culture exemplifies sexual deviancy the church has often responded by abandoning sexual altogether or by making every sexual act permissible. Sex is a very good thing but can easily be made perverse. There needs to be a balance between those two ideas.
Thank you for the insight. Next time I see a Christian telling me that, I will definitely ask for proof.[QUOTE="mindstorm"]Many Christians do believe that but I haven't actually seen Scriptural evidence of that. There might be one or two passages a person can make a stretched argument for saying sex purely for pleasure is wrong but there seems to be much more expressed to the contrary.[QUOTE="Teenaged"]No I dont mean if it condemns us enjoying sex. But does it condemn having sex just for pleasure? Because certain Christians do speak as if it does.Teenaged
Personally I think the idea that sex should only be for procreation is more based in tradition than Scripture. I haven't studied this specific idea historically but many times the church sees the culture exemplifying an action and then they go into the opposite direction. As an example, due to the extensive use of provocative dancing many churches have turned down the idea of dancing all together. Basically, as the culture perverts something good, the church often times overreacts by forgetting there was anything good there to begin with.
Because the culture exemplifies sexual deviancy the church has often responded by abandoning sexual altogether or by making every sexual act permissible. Sex is a very good thing but can easily be made perverse. There needs to be a balance between those two ideas.
Thank you for the insight. Next time I see a Christian telling me that, I will definitely ask for proof. I wish to be a pastor whose wife shops at Victoria's Secret ... to the glory of God. Which is more glorifying to God, denying pleasure that he readily gives us or rejoicing in those blessings (though not elevating the gift above the giver)? I know many would disagree with me but can I say, I like get'n it on to the tune of How Great Thou Art.Some people believe you should be able to rape your spouse?
More reason to completely abolish marriage.
At no point in a legally binding marriage license does it give either person possession of the Other's body. I think that for obvious reasons, any accusation of rape in a marriage should be looked at from a different perspective and with more scrutiny and would definitely not be as clear cut as one that did not involve two married people.
Of course the involved parties are also at fault for still being in such a relationship to begin with. If you are not willing to freely satisfy your partner you owe it to them to leave so they can get their fix elsewhere. Of course there are mitigating factors when sex is witheld in the short term so i am speaking mostly of long term lacks of intimacy.
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