Change and degradation to a language are not one and the same. Indeed, many linguists believe that it is impossible for a language to "degrade" unless function is lost, and "y'all" is most definitely not an instance of a loss of function. In addition, it is, in no way, degenerating* to myself. If you believe that it, indeed, is, please tell me-I am ever so happy to prevent myself from "degeneration".
*I'm assuming you intended to use "denigrating"...?
Consider the anthropological origin of "y'all". While it may serve a utilitarian purpose, how can you expect anyone from the rest of the world to take you seriously, using such terminology?As I have said before-the English language, like all other languages, evolves. This is a completely undeniable fact. Highly functional colloquialisms that have no viable alternatives often permeate through languages, no matter their origin nor their destination.
I find your intense dislike of a simple and functional word somewhat...bizarre, to say the least, by the way.
While I appreciate the nature of the evolution of languages, I would argue that, never will "y'all" ever be noted in any future classic text, other than those primitive texts defining the decline of commercial culture in the early 21'st century.
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