Well i have most definitely, and recently saw some UFO's.... which means Unidentified Flying Objects. I know there were not satellites, cause they dont move the way what I saw did, which also means it wasnt a shooting star or anything like that. So, yea, UFOS... I dunno what they are so who am i to say they are "alien craft"? xhellcatx
I have also seen UFOs on a couple of occasions that could not be identified as "sputnik" or any other satellite and I could not place as any type of air craft and I was rather spooked by a hovering light one night but it also was a fairly short distance from an Air Force Base which I later discovered ran flight tests from time to time.
maybe I saw an early version of one of the things that I later saw on a flight line in Kuwait ....
.......there are some things we will always have to wonder about because the answer just never comes.
also I do am sure there is intelligent life out there somewhere.
humanity is surely NOT the apex of existence - any really advanced civilization will avoid the barrio district of the universe.
there will not be any traffic here as long as we are on an unpaved road so to speak which is probably for the best as far as we are concerned.
my final thought on this matter:
The human race........was probably created as comic relief
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