*waits for you to do me* :PBloodaxe726: Oversensitive black monster.
clayron: Old lady who is a pain in the ass for her family.
Nerd_Man: Sells flowers in theme parks to little girls for a lot of money.
Yandere: Is taking a walk outsite in the dark.
samuraiguns: cries In a corner
ZenesisX: A chick from anime with blue hair.
jasonharris48: Sits by a river and watched the moon.
p00zer: Ninza with a broken katana. No money to buy new one.
Omni-Slash: As tall as theo. Also pervert. Tries to sneak up on women while they're taking a bath. Holds a flower with his mouth.
RazerBlade13: Some wuss robot from video games.
cd_rom: DVD
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