I've always heard this issue of pride brought up. Personally, I'm agnostic. I don't believe because I cannot know that there is a god. If, by some strange luck, I was graced with some miraculous event, I'd flip on a dime. I don't understand why people 2000 years ago got the son of god, or even some proof that God is real through real-life events, while today it's off faith alone that people must believe. When 90% of pastors/reverends/etc. skew scripture and lie to and/or mislead their followers, leading their flock astray, how can I possibly trust the word of these religious leaders? How can I possibly trust the written word of God after humanity has defiled with through poor translation, revisionist methods, cutting out fragments of scripture that weren't applicable, etc.? Why must I have faith in both God, and in the forever sinful humanity, in order to be granted access to God's kingdom?
whoa whoa whoa slow down. Slow down the questions. I'll address this as best I can.
We don't have just faith, we have churches and temples and prophets and seers and revelators and priests, etc. who have the power and authority. We also have the scriptures. It is not just on faith alone, but also the very character of ourselves that factor. We have all these things, and not only do we have them, but we can build on them.
How can you trust the words of the religious leaders? Turn to James Chapter 1 verse 5: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him" Hopefully that helps clear that up to some extent
Now, about the translations, I will present this: The book of John chapter 10 verse 35, and this is Jesus Christ who says this: "Scripture cannot be broken." . If the scripture is broken, then Jesus's prophesy is hereby false, and Jesus is not the son of God. Don't confuse mistranslation with broken scripture, for they are 2 separate things.
Last question to answer: no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of heaven, but if ye will repent of thy sins with an open mind and open heart, and confess all your sins, ye shall be clean before the Lord on the last day of judgment
We, us people, do not everything, but we know enough. Take the resources and scripture that we DO have, rather than what we don't have, and apply once you've gained the strength and testimony of it. Where do you start? Try applying James 1:5 (see above)
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