I recognize tzar3, Theokhot, Shi-ro.me, D3nnyCrane, super_mario_128, MarioRPGer, Travo_basic, Setsa, Rikardur, 2ndWonder, cd_rom, Renegade_Fury, RiseAgainst12, cyberdarkkid, TheZ3nMan, megagene, chessmaster1989, JimCarreyForYou, SavageM2, bededog, Kikouken, HitomiChan, Tuky06, clayron, KHfanboy2, CommanderShiro, Aquat1cF1sh, LJS9502_basic, Omni-Slash, FastNorwegian, smokingsbad, JIT93, Cutekitten6_18, thepwninator, MgamerBD, michael_1234576, SeraphimGodess, DJ_Lae, Avistann, DigitalExile, CleanPlayer, nimatoad2000, and Nerd_Man
(yeah, I'm bored :P )
I doubt as many people recognize me, though...
There's a lot of people missing, last time I posted in one of these threads the list was at least twice as long, and half of these users weren't in it...
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