A few misconceptions that some Atheists make:
1.) Christians are stupid
2.) You shouldn't have to read the Bible in order to argue the existence of God
3.) Christians are a bunch of right-wing ultra conservative nut-jobs.
No, no and no. First of all, there are and have been many intelligent Christian people throughout history. C.S. Lewis anyone? Second, saying you shouldn't have to read the Bible to argue the idea of God is like saying you don't have to read Shakespeare's work to write a thesis on the influence of Shakespeare's literature. It makes you sound ignorant. Third, no not all Bible-believing Christians are over-judgemental people that blow up abortion clinics and shove the Bible down people's throats.
So, just open your minds for a second and ponder this question: Before Paul of Tarsus was a Christian he was one of the highest ranking priests in the Jewish religion. He brutally murdered Christians because he did not understand what they believed and he didn't like it. Amazingly, through a supernatural experience his life was completely changed and he became a fierce defender of Christianity and helped propel it into what it is today. Here is a historical figure who literally did a complete 180 and ended up being persecuted as a Christian himself. If there is no God than how did this REAL historical figure go from being a murderer of Christians to becoming one? What motivated him to do so? I don't think Paul had some kind of schizophrenic breakdown or any other physical change. It was a change of heart that could only be instigated by an outside force.
Cherry picking and misinformation FTW!
1.) Christians are stupid
--It sure seems that way when they believe the earth is only seven thousand years old when eveyr form of science from physics, geology, paleotology, etc says other wise. Infact some fools think dinosaurs WALKED with man and tried to justifiy it through the verse of the Bible.
2.) You shouldn't have to read the Bible in order to argue the existence of God
---- Pure BS this is like me saying you do not understand god because my book the Quran is correct.. This is making the assumption that the Bible is 100% correct and IT ISN'T.. There ar enumerous foresights, I guess you think Noahs Arc was posisble, or at one time the earth really was flat sense the Bible said so? Or what about int he early transitions that said the Earth was the center of the universe.
3.) Christians are a bunch of right-wing ultra conservative nut-jobs.
No they arn't, but the arrogant fools like you ARE. People who some how think their beliefs are above every one elses, yet will argue and betray Jesus's teachings just to prove that their faith is some how correct.. And no Christians arn't right wing Ultra conservative Nut jobs, BUT THEY HAVE hi-jacked the right wing.. In the end they are the source for quite a few of our bigotry and sexism in the US, numerous upon numerous evangelicals have been recorded saying many unbelievable statements.
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