36, 2. Physical flings, never a serious relationship.
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I'm 26 and I haven't even kissed anyone.
Are you a Level 100 Paladin?
I'm 27. I've had 3 girlfriends and I'm on my second marriage. IF I get a divorce this time around, I'm running off to Vegas to pursue my cocaine-filled fantasies.
0 @31 im going to die a virgin :(
Damn dude, what's the problem? 30 year old women are ready to go.
Nothing thirstier than an older woman who's biological clock is ticking down.
0 @31 im going to die a virgin :(
Are you extremely introverted? Socially awkward?
I'm both and I've discovered a cure. It's called alcohol.
My wife is the polar opposite of me. When she brings me into social situations that make me uncomfortable, I'll have a drink. Takes the edge right off ;)
7 or 8, some just kissing, some it was more. Edit: Oh age, late 50's, never married, currently no gf.
@-Renegade: You're already a wizard. You've accomplished what so many before you have failed. You should be proud, not upset.
social anxiety
The idea is not to get drunk, but just to loosen up. Thus the term 'social lubricant'.
0 @31 im going to die a virgin :(
Are you extremely introverted? Socially awkward?
I'm both and I've discovered a cure. It's called alcohol.
My wife is the polar opposite of me. When she brings me into social situations that make me uncomfortable, I'll have a drink. Takes the edge right off ;)
just looked up introvert and yeah its me 100%. only problem is i dont drink!
0 @31 im going to die a virgin :(
Are you extremely introverted? Socially awkward?
I'm both and I've discovered a cure. It's called alcohol.
My wife is the polar opposite of me. When she brings me into social situations that make me uncomfortable, I'll have a drink. Takes the edge right off ;)
just looked up introvert and yeah its me 100%. only problem is i dont drink!
just looked up introvert and yeah its me 100%. only problem is i dont drink!
I'm actually pretty introverted myself, but I force myself into social situations because sitting home alone, while comfortable, gets rather boring.
Find a place nearby you can frequent, grab a friend or two and go out for a few games of pool or something. Keep going back to the same place and make it a regular habit. It'll be awkward at first, but after a bit you'll relax once you get to know the people there.
Women aren't going to come knocking on your door, you gotta go get them. With a little bit of experience you'll even learn to have fun with the butterflies in your stomach. Getting a pretty girl you just met to laugh is like a shot of adrenaline...you'll be beside yourself with giddy once you figure it out.
It's well worth the effort, and only experience is going to make the effort easier. Hell, I often strike up conversation with random women justforthe experience with no intention of ever seeing them again.
Yeah you'll screw up here and there. I do, everybody does. But you'll remember far longer than they will. You just gotta roll with it.
3. After those three, I'm not sure if I became bitter or wised up as I see absolute no benefit in relationships.
I'm 26 and I haven't even kissed anyone.
I'm 21 and this. I'll probably end up being 26 and still the same. Goddamnit. Need to get out more.
I think I have come close once or twice, but was too scared to ever follow anything through.
I second this. I'm 21 and I've only gotten hugs from various girls. That's not even on the ball field FFS. My self-confidence is shitty at best. I really hate the societal norm that demands only guys ask the girls out; it was really sad that there had to be a "Girls Ask the Guys Out" day in high school. Of course, no one asked me. And even if a girl did, I would have been rejected since I didn't have a car or job at the time. There's no way in hell I'm asking a girl out, at least not now with my mediocre social skills and occasional speech impediments.
And you don't think females ever suffer these conditions?
Hell, the shy quite girls are the most starved for attention, and the most appreciative when they receive it...even if they're a little slow returning it due to being shy and all. Don't move in hot and heavy though...shy girls have to be warmed up first.
20 and zero GFs so far.
However there is this girl in the math department who I've taken fancy on for a few months, I even went up to her once to tell her that I like her, but I just couldn't say it.Though she caught my point ,she seems like she just doesn't give a hoot about me.
I wonder how I can gain her favor.To those well-experienced,any tip of any kind will be appreciated ! ;)
0 @31 im going to die a virgin :(
Sex is overrated. A great experience, but I'll take a few beers over it any day. In any case, Im 23 and on gf #2. Hate relationships..
20 and zero GFs so far.
However there is this girl in the math department who I've taken fancy on for a few months, I even went up to her once to tell her that I like her, but I just couldn't say it.Though she caught my point ,she seems like she just doesn't give a hoot about me.
I wonder how I can gain her favor.To those well-experienced,any tip of any kind will be appreciated ! ;)
You gotta pounce and lead. Get her to the top of the coaster before she knows she's even on the ride. It's that first impression, man...that's when the sexual tension is the highest, and you gotta play off that.
You waited too long. You gotta move on a girl before she even knows your name. You're indecisive and she knows that now.
@br0kenrabbit: not always sometimes you can take get slow. Your gotta let her know you are interested though. Ask her if she has a boyfriend she should get the hint you are interested. Can ask her out for lunch, make sure you get her number make that number one priority
@br0kenrabbit: not always sometimes you can take get slow. Your gotta let her know you are interested though. Ask her if she has a boyfriend she should get the hint you are interested. Can ask her out for lunch, make sure you get her number make that number one priority
Not my style, but sure it works sometimes. Your chances go down the longer you know a girl, though. Best to just go for her right from the start.
And **** asking if she has a boyfriend. No ring = make your move. Girls dump guys for other guys all the time. It's a competitive world, man up or sit out.
I've already given her the hint that I'm interested , like I said , I went up to her to tell her that I like her , but I didn't say it.However she understood it , even without me explicitly saying it.You know, she has two close friends, one day I accidentally overheard their conversation , and they were talking about me.This is enough proof that she knows I'm interested and that she has conferred her friends about me.
And she doesn't have a boyfriend, I'm certain about that.She hardly ever talks to boys.Though she is so glued to her two friends that sometimes I fear they might me lesbians or something !
I guess br0kenrabbit is correct after all. I've waited for too long and I now need to ride the lighting , I was indecisive like br0kenrabbit said, I admit.Guess I'll see her next week at uni.
But would asking her out for coffee or lunch be cool ?
@br0kenrabbit: not always sometimes you can take get slow. Your gotta let her know you are interested though. Ask her if she has a boyfriend she should get the hint you are interested. Can ask her out for lunch, make sure you get her number make that number one priority
Not my style, but sure it works sometimes. Your chances go down the longer you know a girl, though. Best to just go for her right from the start.
And **** asking if she has a boyfriend. No ring = make your move. Girls dump guys for other guys all the time. It's a competitive world, man up or sit out.
why would you want to date a girl like that though. she would probably do the same thing to you.
I've already given her the hint that I'm interested , like I said , I went up to her to tell her that I like her , but I didn't say it.However she understood it , even without me explicitly saying it.You know, she has two close friends, one day I accidentally overheard their conversation , and they were talking about me.This is enough proof that she knows I'm interested and that she has conferred her friends about me.
And she doesn't have a boyfriend, I'm certain about that.She hardly ever talks to boys.Though she is so glued to her two friends that sometimes I fear they might me lesbians or something !
I guess br0kenrabbit is correct after all. I've waited for too long and I now need to ride the lighting , I was indecisive like br0kenrabbit said, I admit.Guess I'll see her next week at uni.
But would asking her out for coffee or lunch be cool ?
if she's still boyfriendless then make your next move but step it up this time!
I'm a 22 year old guy dating a 45 year old man. My past relationships have only been with men, so about 4 excluding sexual partners
@-Renegade: You bet !
Next week I'll have several final exams, and she has taken many of those courses too, so she'll have to show up for the finals, so chances are very good that I'll see her, and when I do, it's showtime!
I'll inform you of the result ;) Oh and thanks for the tip, brOkenrabbit, thank you too!
Super long-term girlfriends are an amazing gift, as when it goes to crap and you return to being single and your life exponentially improves it's like A Christmas Carol in reverse, where you get to see how shit your life would have been had you not been given this amazing gift of singledom.
For real though, people don't realize just how shit being in a long-term relationship is until they get out of one.
22 and only 2 official girlfriends but if you include all the women i have dated and gone passed certain bases with including homeruns as halves, then maybe something like 8 lol
why would you want to date a girl like that though. she would probably do the same thing to you.
Dating isn't marriage, at most it's a trail-run. If someone isn't engaged or settled, they're still in the game.
And yes, it goes both ways.
I am 24
No of long term relationships - 3........Shortest - 9 months, Longest - 3 years.
List of sexual encounters is fairly substancial.
List of what I would deem successful sexual encounters is not particularly substancial.
Women and relationships are like anything else in life, you get what you put in. I went without sex for 9 months at university while all of my house mates were getting laid left right and centre. I was so annoyed I went to the bar my friend worked at and sat their on my own, occasionally talking to him when things were quiet. I sat in that bar alone for 2 hours just knocking back whisky and enjoying the music. Eventually a girl came over and said she had noticed me here alone which was pretty weird for a busy bar on a friday night. I was honest, I said I was fed up, wanted to drink heavily and enjoy the music. I thought drinking heavily in a bar, virtually alone was about as low as it got. She saw strength in my honesty with her and my willingness to sit in a bar alone regardless of how it might appear and just drunkenly exist for a while. Turns out although she was there with friends all she wanted to do was just drunkenly exist for a while too.
Weird looking back on it but I went in that bar with nothing to prove and nothing to lose because my expectations were zero, and I took a woman home that night.
I hate to say this but honestly you guys are a bunch of losers. It is not normal to be in the 20's and never have dated a girl. I have had GF's since grade school, getting laid and partying is a common occurrence. I have always felt out of place here and this is why, altho I like video games I do not fit the stranded here . When I read the responses here, I picture skinny nerds cowering in a corner, in fear of even talking to a female. Seriously do yourselves a favor put down the games and go out in public. Alot of you seem to antisocial
I hate to say this, but honestly, you guys are a bunch of losers. It is not normal to be in the your20's and never have dated a girl. I have had GF's since grade school, ; getting laid and partying is area common occurrence. I have always felt out of place here. and this is why,altho Although I like video games, I do not fit the stranded standardhere . When I read the responses here, I picturepictured skinny nerds cowering in a corner, in fearin a corner, cowering in fearof even talking to a female. Seriously do yourselves a favor and put down the games and go out in public. Alot A lotof you seem totooantisocial anti-social.
You're the epitome of what it means to be a man.
All men should strive to be the sexual god that you are.
Maybe someday I'll be able to put as many grammatical errors into my sentences as you did. Then I'll finally transform into the ultimate Alpha Male.
I hate to say this but honestly you guys are a bunch of losers. It is not normal to be in the 20's and never have dated a girl. I have had GF's since grade school, getting laid and partying is a common occurrence. I have always felt out of place here and this is why, altho I like video games I do not fit the stranded here . When I read the responses here, I picture skinny nerds cowering in a corner, in fear of even talking to a female. Seriously do yourselves a favor put down the games and go out in public. Alot of you seem to antisocial
Virgin and illiterate confirmed.
I am 26 and am dating number 5ish.
Number 1 I dated for 2+ years. Number 2 I dated for 5 months. Number 3 dated for 5 days (I ran quickly from that one). Number 4 I only went on a couple dates with. And with number 5 my track record of going down in length of time broke as I have now been dating my current girlfriend for over 6 months.
This particular lady I must say I am quite fond of. She is from El Salvador and loves Christ Jesus like no woman I have ever met my own age. We are, in essence, better together than separate especially with regards to usefulness. She's bold, blunt, and quick to act. I'm reserved, patient, and analytical. Though different we compliment one another quite nicely.
@plageus900: One more error: A lot of you seem to(too) anti-social.
However, regardless of the errors, in essence, I reckon what he's saying is most likely true.Unfortunately of course.I mean, if a man in his 20s, doesn't have relations with those around him (doesn't necessarily have to be romantic relations), he must be having psychological problems.
I hate to say this but honestly you guys are a bunch of losers.
I lol'ed, even though this applies to me as well. Anyhow, I don't even care. I honestly don't like people in general and rarely ever get along with people, so being in a relationship is out of the question. People always complain that I don't respond to them when they say "Hello" and that I don't interact with them. I simply have no desire to.
Well I've been laid by 9 different females, but only 3 of them were actual relationships beyond just infatuation. I've learned that as far as long-term relationships go, it's important to think about how happy someone makes you and how well you get along. I've actually turned down 2 possible relationships with women who were both attractive and nice, but lacked any ambition beyond future-housewife, so I turned both down because I didn't think I'd be happy being a single-income household. Currently married, wife makes me happy, has a good income, isn't as attractive as some other women I've dated, but I'm happier having a partner than a financial dependent.
Well I've been laid by 9 different females, but only 3 of them were actual relationships beyond just infatuation. I've learned that as far as long-term relationships go, it's important to think about how happy someone makes you and how well you get along. I've actually turned down 2 possible relationships with women who were both attractive and nice, but lacked any ambition beyond future-housewife, so I turned both down because I didn't think I'd be happy being a single-income household. Currently married, wife makes me happy, has a good income, isn't as attractive as some other women I've dated, but I'm happier having a partner than a financial dependent.
wrong thinking there bud. If i could support it, i would never have my wife work a day of her life. Housewife is best wife.
Well I've been laid by 9 different females, but only 3 of them were actual relationships beyond just infatuation. I've learned that as far as long-term relationships go, it's important to think about how happy someone makes you and how well you get along. I've actually turned down 2 possible relationships with women who were both attractive and nice, but lacked any ambition beyond future-housewife, so I turned both down because I didn't think I'd be happy being a single-income household. Currently married, wife makes me happy, has a good income, isn't as attractive as some other women I've dated, but I'm happier having a partner than a financial dependent.
wrong thinking there bud. If i could support it, i would never have my wife work a day of her life. Housewife is best wife.
**** that. Duel income is awesome.
I hate to say this but honestly you guys are a bunch of losers.
I lol'ed, even though this applies to me as well. Anyhow, I don't even care. I honestly don't like people in general and rarely ever get along with people, so being in a relationship is out of the question. People always complain that I don't respond to them when they say "Hello" and that I don't interact with them. I simply have no desire to.
if someone chooses not to be with a woman doesnt make them a loser, could mean that they just havent found the right girl they want to be with. **** his definition of a loser. who's he to say how someone chooses to live they life.
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