Mine gets a measly 3, and there's absolutely no doubt that McCain will win here.
NY and we get 31and Obama deff going to win here. Up here were tired of republicans ruining the country.
NY and we get 31and Obama deff going to win here. Up here were tired of republicans ruining the country. Gh0st_Of_0nyxsame
Michigan has 17 and i think the Democrats are going to win..somehow. The michiganians havn't learned their lesson yet about having democrats in office.
I live in MA and we get 12. Obama is going to win by a landslide. MA is one of the most democratic states.
From Illinois and living in California for the time being. I'm fairly confident that Obama will take both of those states :)
NY and we get 31and Obama deff going to win here. Up here were tired of republicans ruining the country. Gh0st_Of_0nyxYeah, im from NY to. Obama will win.
Georgia gets 15 and probably McCain. we've been pretty conservative the last couple elections. but who knows...
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