[QUOTE="PWSteal_Ldpinch"] Compulsion is not noticed unless the person is actively trying to eliminate the behavior. Your statement wouldn't make sense in the context of any other addiction.A drug addict does not feel withdrawal until he stops using the drug.
In terms of actual addiction, sure it would. Plenty of kids in college drink religiously until graduation w/o problem thereafter. From a practical perspective of detecting the addiction, I see your point, but quantity alone doesn't determine whether or not it is an addiction. Say some guy has a juvenile contest to off more times during the week than his peers and then afterwards returns to normal. He'll quite possibly dwarfing sex addicts in terms of frequency, yet does not have the problem.
I'm not sure that the pleasure derived from alcohol consumption is comparable to that derived from porn and masturbation In any case, there is limit above which consumption is excessive. Even though large alcohol consumption might not lead to addiction, it physically damages the liver. Likewise, porn addiction is not noticeable despite the fact that it creates physical changes in the frontal lobe.It is comparable insofar as alcohol can be addictive and quantity of use doesn't adequately address the issue of addiction. Yes, it physically damages the liver, but not all people are equally prone to alcoholism. One who is addicted to the substance is at an increased risk to long-term health problems due to inability/disincentive to cease excessive consumption. I can't speak for porn, but having used to smoke, the compulsion definitely was noticeable, even if it increased during withdrawal. If I were to get to the crux of the matter, I think the person to person variance is a significant factor to be considered and that stating an arbitrary number isn't necessarily accurately indicative of the gravity of one's addiction -- there may or may not be a small deviation with respect to what is considered excessive exposure over prolonged periods of time to masturbation however there also might not be. Stats would help. Moreover, I don't know that asking a bunch of teenagers on an gaming forum is likely to produce results.
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