Wow, that's a bit of a harsh review. Fecal matter? I'm not sure I agree with the white guilt trip statement, and why is everyone so butt hurt because it dealt with specieism (not necessarily racism).
I still think it has some awesome action and some really good SFX.
He's not just harsh, he's wrong.
The white male douchebag WASN'T pure evil, not at all. If anything, the movie dealt out a heavy dose of sympathy to the man who would simply be a snarling evil caricature in most movies.
And the minority equals noble and good thing is also wrong. Most movies with this type of message would portray the persecuted people as saints. But a lot of these aliens really ARE jerks. The vast majority of the aliens in the movie were in no way noble, and many of them are probably just plain bad.
If he thinks the movie boiled everyone down to such a stereotypical black or white dichotomy, then he's just wrong. The characters and relationships in this movie are (mostly) a LOT more complicated than that.
How was the white male douchebag at all sympathetic? Not once in the movie does he show any remorse whatsoever or give any reason for what he's doing other than "I LOVE the fact that I get to kill prawn for my job!"
For starters, he had a damn family. He had a loving wife who was worried about him when he disappeared, he went to the hospital because he was sick and ended up getting covertly carted away to a death camp.
For starters, there's your answer. If you can't see the injustice in treating a douchebag like that, then you're thinking just like Wickus did. Because most (or at least a LOT) of the aliens ARE douchebags. They spend all day causing trouble, being violent and hostile, and getting high on cat food. They engage in crime and prostitution, they join gangs, and they contribute to the whole place being a **** But6 it's still WRONG what is happening to them. And if you can't have sympathy for what happens to Wickus, then how can you expect some pencil-pushing law-abiding beaurocrat like Wickus to hav sympathy for the pain that the alien douchebags suffer when he torches a house full of their illegal egg pods?
Apparently you forgot that during the weapons testing, he specifically begged to NOT have to kill a "prawn".
Yes, he is a douchebag, just like many of the aliens are douchebags. The point is that being a douchebag isn't enough to justify doing horrible **** to people. And honestly, I'm ashamed to even have to state that, because that's something that every single one of us should know by heart.
What stops you from killing some douchebag who cuts you off during traffic, or slaps your girlfriend for talking trash about his mother? Is it the LAW? Because Wickus was all about the law. That's why he was delivering eviction notices and finding ways to circumvent legal procedure. He torched alien pods because that was the law. He delivered eviction notices because that was legally mandated. Do you function as a civilised human being because of the law, or do you function as a civilised human being because you recognize a moral standard of fairness by which it's WRONG to treat people a certain way even if they are total pricks?
That's really the thing...Wickus was a total jerk, but he was a jerk who BELIEVED he was doing the right thing. This didn't change until his whole situation got changed, and even before that he was just an ignorant man who was just wrong. You can call him evil all you want, but what happened to him was just WRONG. End of story. And that whole change of events not only caused him to transform physically, but also MORALLY.
But the bottom line is this...if you can shrug off the **** that happened to him just because he was "an unlikeable protagonist", then you've just VALIDATED the way that he was treating the aliens. Wickus didn't like the aliens any more than most of us like Wickus. But the injustices transcend that, and at least Wickus was trying to constantly follow the law.
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