Change your attitude and your life will change. Forget what others deem as nice looking because that will only create dis-empowering thoughts (we are what we think we are). A shallow thinker can only find beauty on the surface because their mind isnt deep enough to recognize inner beauty and how that beauty translates and re-position itself from the inside to the outside.
Never let someone else tell you what to think is/should be/ can be, thats your choice. Regain your confidence, be happy to be you, the world is filled with followers and this may just be your blessing in disguise, your opportunity to find out who you really areunlike the pre-programmed people augmenting their god-giving bodies because of their blind low self esteem issues. Way too many people want to be like the ppl they see on the tel-lie-vision. Be you, and let that beauty shine thru, Im sure once your attitude changes your social life will not be far behind.
Thank you, its just that I have traits that puts me in a non adaptive siutation. I just don't want to be inferior to others.
Your welcome but no thanks needed. Those traits are what makes you unique, embrace them and have them work to your benefit. I know a few mentally handicap (wheelchair bound) people and they are truly amazing people, the way they think, their resilience, their appreciation for life is like no other. They not only humble you but teach you how blessed you are and that everyone living has a purpose (truly)...but we often don't immediately notice this until some sought of personal event happens."Inferiority" is only a state of mind, We only lack because we trick ourselves into placing limits on ourselves. Ex: people like to say "master your craft, get a masters degree, the student will be a master one day" but when I think of this term/word I can clearly see the trick. How can you ever be a master of something when you can always improve on something? Mastery is an illusion, a subtle trick that implements a limit. Explore your own individuality and have fun with it. Often when people disregard who they are and/or hate themselves their life starts falling part, they can't blame no one else other then the self...because they want to be someone else instead of who they are. What's considered cool will always be subjective, don't let that stress you out, people respect trendsetters and those that choose to be who they are. If they tease you, or try to make you uncomfortable its because they envy you and actually hate themselves, they need to beat down others in order to bring themselves up, but that's always backfires because it's not real.
You'll be fine, just raise your confidence and your ambitions will raise, soon after the universe will respond accordingly to your desires. You shouldn't even want to be in the company of those that think they are better than you anyway. That will only create more issues later in life. The world is vast and I'm positive that everyone in it will not look down on you. If anything, people are suppose to encourage others to be the best and we actually do this (one way or another) in the least use it to motivate you, it may take some time but life is an exercise anyway. Don't let the visions of others be your reality...
Thank you for such words, I truly appreciate it. I truly feel that something is suppressing me from being the person I am. I believe I can be confident and lively if I simply get this problem out of my way. I am trying to think positively but eveytime I stand in a mirrow with someone else, I feel the difference and get reminded. I do feel the difference, I wish I didn't, but when I do i feel inferior.
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