I don't recall if you remember those "nature day" posts I used to make, where I'd go into the woods across from my house and talk about the wildlife that I saw. Anyway, I always knew from the trash that homelesws people and crackheads hung out in the woods, because there'd be trash all over the place. Like, you'd be walking into the woods for a while and suddenly start passing oil cans and dirty blankets and used condoms. But I never thought I'd discover an actual hobo settlement, right in the middle of the woods.
Anyway, government (not sure if state, city, or county) had been doing work in the woods. Clearing out paths, building birdhouses, planting trees, building bridges over streams, that sort of thing. And just recently, they set up a sign on the side of the street, just a couple houses down from me, displaying the area as a nature preserve. Which I thought was odd, since I didn't think that they were actually woods, but rather just a pretty small stretch of trees that hadn't been cleared out yet. But they'd also set out a sign detailing what they are doing. Apparently, these woods are just the tip of a 1300 acre swamp, and they're making nature trails and stuff in order to preserve it as a wetland.
"That's cool", I thought. I decided to walk into the woods and follow the trails and see what the swamp looked like.
So on my way into the woods, there was some sort of creepy stuff. Like, I'd follow the path, then you'd see someone's trailer just beyond the trees, and then the path would veer off back into the woods again. But that's the unsettling thing. It's like, some of these people's houses/trailers are right next to the woods. So you're following the trail through the woods and all of a sudden you find yourself in some hillbilly's backyard. And I've seen Deliverance, so that's uncomfortable to me.
Anyway, the strangest thing I found was an apparent hobo village. I followed the trail and I came to this clearing. Right in the middle of the clearing there was a big oak tree. They had used trash to build a treehouse in the tree, apparently as a sentry point to watch out for oncoming intruders. Around the perimeter of the clearing, there were oil drums and wooden boxes marked "trash". Apparently this is where all of the trash in the woods was coming from. The hobos obviously didn't want to dump trash in their own village. So I'm assuming that when their trash cans were full, they just dragged them out into the woods and dumped them. Strangest thing was the "houses". They were all the big concrete circles. You know, looks like premanufactured segments that would be fitted together to form sewage pipes or something. How these hobos got these pipe segments into the woods or where they even found them, I will never know. But there were about two dozen of them arranged in a ring around the central lookout tree. And inside a lot of them you could see matresses or blankets or pillows. And there were two big black spots which looked like they used to be campfires.
I don't know what happened to the hobos. There were none of them there when I passed by. Maybe they were just out for the day. Or maybe the city chased them off while building the trail through the woods. But that was DISTURBING. I would like to go back into the woods, go to the swamp, and take pictures of nature with my expensive new digital camera. But not if I have to pass through a hobo village in order to do it.
You have to understand, I wasn't just passing through the woods. These hobos actually set up a COMMUNITY. One that they obviously intended to stay in for quite some time. You and I may call them "homeless", but for them, I'll bet that THAT was home. And how would you feel if you returned home one day and found some random stranger standing in your bedroom? Because that's exactly what that was. Their bedroom, their kitchen, their party room.
Just gives me shivers to think how things could have turned out if I'd happened to discover the hobo village when all of them were still there. If the state/county/city/whatever wants people to use their new nature trails, they need to do something about that first. Because there is no way in HELL that I'm going back into those woods after this.
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