Do you ever feel like you won't find the one?
The one you will spend the rest of you're days with?
i feel like this sometimes..
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Do you ever feel like you won't find the one?
The one you will spend the rest of you're days with?
i feel like this sometimes..
there like 6 billion or something like that people on this planet. i sure there someone out there for you:D.moonlightcharm6Yeah, but isn't some of that billion people too young or too old for TC?
i feel like if i'm as passive with girls that i don't know, as i am right now, then i might not. hopefully i'll become less shy when it comes to starting conversations with girls i don't know.
"The One" doesn't exist, there are many "ones" out there for you. Think about it, there are about 4.4 billion adults in the world with about 2.2 billion males, 2.2 billion females. Now these 2.2 billion people of your prefered sex (or 4.4 if you are bisexual...lucky bastard!) are scattered over 148,940,000 km squared of land. Now just assuming the happy marriages you know of (or successful, like your parents, I hope) what is the probability of you finding 1 person amongst so many people with and so much land without a clue or a single aid. Not to mention the fact that people move around, so what's the probability of you being alive at the exact same time as your one and only, walking in the exact same place as your one and only, at the exact same time? The odds are astronomical. This leads me to believe that we have more than 1 "one and only" because if not, then I'm screwed :xII_Seraphim_II
That depends on how you look at it. Is the one the person you CAN be with, or the one you WANT to be with? Sure you CAN be with many people, but most of us only WANT to be with one person. Me, I feel as if I'm lucky enough to have found her, although... she's one of those slippery buggers that keeps getting away from me and everytime I've got her she's just wriggling to get free. Where do her and I stand? I don't know. What will happen with us? I don't know. What I do know is that she's the one and I just have to wait until she stops being scared.
LOL do you mean that every day you see many girls that you'd want to bang? if so, that's how i am :DI am just the opposite...I find way too many fish everyday
Yes, but time will heal that. It may seem like you've just missed the opportunity of a lifetime, but there will always be others, as long as you're willing to put yourself into it. Just don't wait for the perfect girl. Or rather, don't expect the perfect girl to like the same music as you do, be into videogames and basically be a carbon copy of yourself.
Heck, my girlfriend likes Taylor Swift and I'm more of a noise rock fan, but I love her like no other. Then again, we've only been going out since yesterday, so that fuzzy feeling is still very much here :)
LOL do you mean that every day you see many girls that you'd want to bang? if so, that's how i am :D exactly :) -also, I find many, many girls (that I know) to be 'desirable'...all for different reasons[QUOTE="rawsavon"]
I am just the opposite...I find way too many fish everyday
aw that's cute :oops: congrats though!Yes, but time will heal that. It may seem like you've just missed the opportunity of a lifetime, but there will always be others, as long as you're willing to put yourself into it. Just don't wait for the perfect girl. Or rather, don't expect the perfect girl to like the same music as you do, be into videogames and basically be a carbon copy of yourself.
Heck, my girlfriend likes Taylor Swift and I'm more of a noise rock fan, but I love her like no other. Then again, we've only been going out since yesterday, so that fuzzy feeling is still very much here :)viva_hate
[QUOTE="II_Seraphim_II"]"The One" doesn't exist, there are many "ones" out there for you. Think about it, there are about 4.4 billion adults in the world with about 2.2 billion males, 2.2 billion females. Now these 2.2 billion people of your prefered sex (or 4.4 if you are bisexual...lucky bastard!) are scattered over 148,940,000 km squared of land. Now just assuming the happy marriages you know of (or successful, like your parents, I hope) what is the probability of you finding 1 person amongst so many people with and so much land without a clue or a single aid. Not to mention the fact that people move around, so what's the probability of you being alive at the exact same time as your one and only, walking in the exact same place as your one and only, at the exact same time? The odds are astronomical. This leads me to believe that we have more than 1 "one and only" because if not, then I'm screwed :xDigitalExile
That depends on how you look at it. Is the one the person you CAN be with, or the one you WANT to be with? Sure you CAN be with many people, but most of us only WANT to be with one person. Me, I feel as if I'm lucky enough to have found her, although... she's one of those slippery buggers that keeps getting away from me and everytime I've got her she's just wriggling to get free. Where do her and I stand? I don't know. What will happen with us? I don't know. What I do know is that she's the one and I just have to wait until she stops being scared.
Ah man I feel for you. There is this girl I really like (not one and only type stuff, but someone I want to get into a serious relationship with) and she keeps keeping me at arms length. The first day I met her I told her I was attracted to her, and she just said "I'm not looking for a relationship now" and basically blew me off. Not one to let one failed attempt get me down, I kept trying, and over the course of a month, she grew to like me. I would call her and we would go for walks and what not. but it never progressed past the "friend zone" so I decided to stop calling for a while...maybe I was bugging her. Anyways, I didnt call for a while and after 3 days she called me to ask where I was and I claimed I was busy and she asked me if i wanted to go to a movie with her. so we are at the movie and I'm so close! I mean she will put her guard down and hold my arm, and then realize it and pull back real quick. We sometimes have these awkward silences where we just stare at each other and lean in close (She leans in so Im not just imagining it!) and then she will make up an excuse as to why she has to go somewhere. Seriously, why can't women just take what they want? If some hot girl came up to me and I was attracted to her, I got with her. I wouldn't play stupid games or try to resist. Life is a lot easier if you keep it simple :x
Anyways, back on point, I hope it works out for you man because I know how frustrating it can be. The funny thing is that if she doesnt get smart, you will eventually lose interest and realize you are wasting your time, and try to find a girl who is willing to commit. And when you do, she will all of the sudden become interested in a serious relationship with you :x
[QUOTE="narutoisapirate"]The problem is not finding the right woman (you will trust me), its when. My mom always says "The problem is not finding the right one, it's knowing when you've found him/her." Apparently my dad kept asking my mom out over the course of 5 years before she finally said yes :PDo you ever feel like you won't find the one?
The one you will spend the rest of you're days with?
i feel like this sometimes..
love sucks, Who cares if you dont find "the One" I rather get girls, and spend my time enjoying myself then only having one broad
[QUOTE="needled24-7"]LOL do you mean that every day you see many girls that you'd want to bang? if so, that's how i am :D exactly :) -also, I find many, many girls (that I know) to be 'desirable'...all for different reasons same with me. there are so many out there you can have interest in, but all in all, there is only bound to being a handfull of them that you might REALLY connect to[QUOTE="rawsavon"]
I am just the opposite...I find way too many fish everyday
Who cares? I don't even see what's so special about relationships or friendship for that matter. I don't think I am very human.
[QUOTE="Mr_Leonis"][QUOTE="narutoisapirate"]The problem is not finding the right woman (you will trust me), its when. My mom always says "The problem is not finding the right one, it's knowing when you've found him/her." Apparently my dad kept asking my mom out over the course of 5 years before she finally said yes :P Not to offend your parents but there would be alot of opportunities(if you catch my drift) during the course of 5 years. :PDo you ever feel like you won't find the one?
The one you will spend the rest of you're days with?
i feel like this sometimes..
YupDo you ever feel like you won't find the one?
The one you will spend the rest of you're days with?
i feel like this sometimes..
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