[QUOTE="streak000"][QUOTE="euphzilla03"] I think it's the individuals choice. Don't quote the ten commandments, and don't use God as an argument.It is the individuals choice not yours, not mine, and certainly not the governments!
Just a couple of things, pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. I hate abortion. I've had some personal experience, and it's a downright horrible thing for everyone involved. But it's better than having a child you have no means or desire to care for. It's also better than destroying the rest of your life because of a few moments of stupidity. Of course, many people would think differently, which is why there is CHOICE. If you don't want an abortion, noone is forcing you to have one.
I know it's been said before, but anti-abortion activists ARE NOT pro-life. Most of them are conservative religious nuts, many of whom don't think anything of taking lives in other circumstances. Anyone who calls themselves pro-life, but supports the Iraq war and the death penalty is a massive hypocrite, not deserving of being taken seriously.
Question for you. I grab a gun, i walk outside, and i shoot my kid in the head. Do you say no one has the right to complain about that? No, because its murder. Despite kids of ages 0-2 being of equal intelligence only to an ape, society, and you, consider him a human being with rights. It would be sick of me to ask anyone in our society to ignore that, and leave it to parental consent. Weather or not that kid started hampering them severely financially.
Its the same with abortion. How? Pro-lifers, for the most part, believe life begins at conception. That means, as far as pro-lifers are concerned, Mass genocide is being performed in this country, and you are asking them to disregaurd murder. So, you are doing one of two things here. You are either A) Telling them to ignore mass genocide because the parent is more important than the child, or B) Telling them their beliefs are wrong and should be ignored. Either way, you are not respecting pro-lifers.
It is a serious issue, NEVER forget that. Because for anyone who is a pro-lifer, this country is currently undergoing genocide on a near unprecendented scale.
You know respect is a two way street and have pro-lifers really shown any respect to pro-choicers? The people who are pro-choice in the eyes of the church are worse than a monster and will burn for eternity and this can be expressed quite vividly as a few priests and religious people have done so in front of me.and yet this is also the same group that would prefer you not to use birth control or condoms(potentially negating the problem in general if you follow the unwanted child or financial problem train of thought) just be abstinent because that's the way to be. I seem to recall many abortion clinics being attacked or it's workers harassed..wow is that how respect is shown. Does life really begin at conception? Who can say? But blindly trusting in one answer over another is why problems and violence erupt in the first place.
I said what I said for the following reasons 1) it is the parents choice be it for the "right" reasons or the "wrong"reasons(though I do not feel aborting because of some issue of financial means is a reason to abort). 2)As it is their choice they will have to live with the guilt and regret and there could be some repercussions for this action. So if you went out and shot your kids as you so put it you'd suffer the consequences.
I said don't quote the ten commandments or use God as an excuse because not everyone buys into that whole mind set. And to tell someone who doesn't believe in God something ain't right because he said so isn't very fair. Something you don't believe in is telling you it isn't right well I guess we better listen to this thing we don't believe in. And then there is the tried and true it was God's plan well maybe the abortion is God's plan as well? I mean because if it was a case of rape and was God's plan and it has to be if anyone uses the God's plan defense then why wouldn't the abortion figure in as well?
I understand some people out there feel like this is a genocide. Perhaps that label is suited to this. But that's an opinion and an opinion is not always everyones. It may be a serious issue but it is one fought over "morals" and "morals" are an ambiguous creature. And everyone has different "moral standards" do these differences make on person better than another or right? Not always, human beings are never a black and white they are usually a grey area of ambiguity.
Now I'm sure I've been labled a monster for stating these things but I'm not really. I honestly when you come right down to it don't think a child should die. I think abortions are wrong but under certain circumstances they may be the only option. When it comes down to a mothers life vs a childslife or lose them both thats a terrible decision to make. If it were a victim of rape you'd never know how that mother would respond to the child and then the child could be in harms way anyway. Then again it could go the other way and there would never be a problem. It's speculation at best. And to make a judgement on a speculation is a bad idea.
To the person I quoted this from this is not an attack against you and honestly I can see where you're coming from. But with that said I can see both sides to this issue. It comes down to opinions based on morals and a mindset of an individual. I still stick by my answer of it is the individuals choice and noone elses because not everyones morals are held by everyone else and even if there were a ban the abortions would still continue..they happened when it wasn't legal. There is no definite way to stop it..unless you were to somehow strictly opress the people and dictate their every movement. Is it cold for me to have this stance? I suppose but even though I have prolife tendencies this isn't my fight to fight one way or the other. I'm just being practicle.
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