it just allways makes me nervous and usually ends with akward and embaressing situations
example, im waiting in the room for ATLEAST 30 min waiting for the docter to come in and the room is just COLD empty and white, then the docter comes and ask me to undress and ware some garment made from paper. then starts shoving that whatch u ma callit into my ears and noose, next he has to put that cold stephascope (spelling?) on my chest and i jump from the cold shock. then some times i have to get my blood drawn, its verry ironic that i can watch a head explding in a game or movie and laugh at it, but when they stick that needle in me and i just see a small bit of my own blood i black out, and yes i litteally did BLACKOUT the docter siad my face was pale and i fainted for like a second.....then comes the worst part....he has to check know..."man hood". and thats just the most unpleasent feeling ever :?
and another time a nure was giving my physical and asked me "are you sexually active?" to which i quickly blurted out "no" what was embarresing about it was she was one of the hottest nurses ive ever seen....but it wasnt so bad when she had to put her hand on my...well :oops:
the funny thing about all this is that my mom is a docter...
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