Maybe you are being treated like a baby, because maybe you are being a baby.
They will eithertreat me with respect like I treatthem with respect, or ****ing else they're going to hear it from me.
This is where you need to draw the line between work ethics and your ego. Yes, people do deserve to be treated with respect, however if there's an issue...there's more professional ways to approach a problem then to "let them hear it".
I've been in your situation many times, but even though most of the co-workers treated me down there, and they thought they were up there, I still got my job done and I received way more recognition from my managers where they were more leniant to favors you may need. Where I currently worked, I was about to get laid off for personal things (plus I had a medical condition), however now I stepped up my professionalism, I drew the line between work and ego, and now my manager praises me with raises and is more leniant to my last minute needs.
From what I'm reading, it seems you have a lot of learning to do.
For a base salary job, I think you can keep your ego. You already don't earn a lot, you don't need to be bullied by your boss to. If it's your boss as well, then you need to take it to the next level by talking to corporate/HR. If it's really that bad, you should start looking now, but don't quit until you find a new job. However one thing that needs to be understood is that a Job is a job, there are so many people out there who are willing to take your position and find ways to conquer the bullies on a professional level.
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