I know I can find the answer for most of these questions by simply searching the net, but I don't want to read long text walls or visiting numerous websites and also I want to know about different opinions ,so I decided to ask them here:
1. Do atheists really think we humans are evolved version of monkeys? and if not, what do they think about the creation of the very first human? ( I don't say the universe to prevent making things complicated. so only answer about the creation of the first human )
2. Do atheists consider theists as some kind of retard or they have respect for them in the heart?
3. Do atheist believe in no God and afterlife or they just don't believe in them the way theists do?
4. What is an atheist's motivation to do good deeds?
5. Do atheist believe in the existence of prophets? I mean do atheists think Jesus Christ existed, but was a liar or they believe there was no such person at all?
I think that's enough for now.and also if you only want to answer only one of these questions, feel free to do it. It's not necessary to answer all of them at once.
Thanks in advance.
I'll try to answer these questions to the best of my ability. All my answers are from personal beliefs and do not reflect any other Atheists/Agnostics besides myself. I tried to break it up so it wasn't one big mess 8)1. I have an understanding of Evolution and all of the Science behind it. I have read Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man and I conclude the human race has evolved from primates. The very first human, in my belief, was not just one human, but a collection of creatures evolving. An entire race evolving if that makes sense.
Charles Darwin had one of, if not, the single greatest ideas in human history. It shocked the world when he published his first work and if you have the time, I do recommend you to read it in its entirety.
2. I have no problem with people believing in a God, or even God's for that matter. The problem starts when people try to cram the belief of a God down my throat and then tell me I am wrong in my beliefs. I have friends who are: Catholic, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, and many other religions. Not once do they try and impose their beliefs on me in any fashion. We have intelligent conversations about religion and everything which follows. I respect them fully for believing in a God. It is their right to do so and I would never infringe on that human right.
I see people once a month on the campus of my University and they hold up signs saying we are all going to hell if we do not repent and accept Jesus Christ as our savior. These people irritate me to the fullest extent. Belief is one thing, but this is another. Then I see people ripping signs down on the billboards at school that have to do with the Agnostic Group on campus. We all need to learn tolerance towards others and their beliefs, not intolerance. It saddens me to see people act in such a way. So in short, yes, I respect people who believe in a God.
3. Atheist do not believe in a God or an afterlife. I am actually that of an Agnostic because I am always open to all possibilities. I do not believe there is a God, but I also do not deny the existence of one. I believe it is not our place to know if there is one, and we most likely will not know until we die. What lies after death is a strange road and it can be hard to ponder on this notion.
As of now, I am in the middle because for something to be impossible, it limits the creativity of our minds and of the Universe itself. We can all see from history that anything is possible. Just look at the leap in technology since the Industrial Revolution. It is simple amazing.
4. What is my motivation to do good deeds? Well this is a question for the philosophers to answer. Some people say without religion, we would be in chaos. That religion gives us the motive to do good in the world. Well, the question should actually be where does morality stem? Is it a product of religion, our environment, or maybe it is a humanistic emotion and concept. I do good because I feel it is right. Granted, I was raised to do good, and so were my parents and their parents, and so the cycle continues.
Recently, scientists have gone into remote areas of the Rain forest and other areas where "uncivilized" tribes still remain. They wanted to see how their culture was and how they lived. To their surprise, most of them lived in a "good" manner. They did not kill for fun, or beat people. They lived in accordance to how they thought the world should be lived. Now, most of them had some sort of Religion they abide by, but before religion came to that area there were people. Those people created their own religion out of human instincts, nothing else.
5. From what I know about Jesus Christ and his life, I believe he did not exist. Let me explain. There are many stories of miracle workers throughout human history and some of them have been regarded as prophets. The problem with the story of Jesus is that it is not an original one. As a matter of fact, the entire story was told more than 1,000 years before the time of Christ and there have also been many stories before Christ which have some very similar details.
The one story I am talking about in particular is that of the Egyptian God Horus. There is too much to type here, so here is a link to read up on the similarities between the God's. Here is once excerpt:
There is a near consensus that Yeshua [Jesus] was born circa 4 to 7 BCE. By that time, stories from the life of Horus had been circulating for centuries before. Ifany copying occurred by the writers of the Egyptian or Christian religions, it was the myths and legends of Horus that were incorporated into Jesus' biography, not vice-versa.Jesus and Horus
Here is the link: http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcpa5b.htm
All in all religion is a very touchy subject for many. I do not hide my beliefs and will talk about them to any. I promise you if we ever converse, I will not bash you or your belief, I will simply ask questions. Hope this answers your questions.
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