[QUOTE="muthsera666"] I'm going to go out on a limb here and disagree. Parents are not worthy of respect just because they had sex and produced offspring. They are human just like every other human (heh). I do not believe in respecting someone merely because they happen to be in some certain position. I respect people who deserve it.
Physical abuse, depending upon the severity, can heal with time. Emotional abuse can affect one for the rest of his life.
I guess I have that mind frame because I came from an old fashioned household that when you didn't respect your parents, then there was a belt with your name on it. If you cursed at your parents, I did not even want to try:?. I guess I am lucky in the aspect that I had wonderful parents who taught me respect and discipline, and how to succeed in life. Parents stuck with you for years, when they could of just gave you away, but they didn't. They deserve respect for putting up with your crud, and one day when you finally have children, then I hope you will understand.
Well, hey now. I'm not saying that the people who raise you aren't worthy of respect. The act of producing offspring just doesn't warrent any special accolades. I was disciplined as a child if I stepped out of line. The belt, the wooden paddle. I love my parents, and I don't want anything bad to happen to them. I wish everyone has as good of parents as I did. However, I realize that not everyone does. I'm 20, and I'm still somewhat scared to smart off to my mother. My parents did every thing they could for me. I never went hungry, even through the lean years. Just to give you an idea, my college cost for two semesters is more than what both my parents make in the course of an entire year.
My parents definitely deserve and get my respect. I do understand and I don't need children to do so. In fact, I'm not sure I want children because I'm afraid that I can't be as good of a father/parent as mine.
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