Look I don't know about you but I have several family members with southern accents and let me tell you it is the most ANNOYING thing ever.
I cannot stand this dialect or understand it. When a brittish person or someone with any other accent mumbles i can understand them but for the life of me I can't understand what anyone with a southern accent is saying.
STOP SAYING Y'ALL! JESUS CHRIST! THAT IS NOT A WORD! How did someone manage to mangle the english language so bad!? How did it degenerate into that? Just because someone lives in the south they have to start talking like that? GOD! I'd rather hear people talking in 7337 all the time than in a southern accent. Even that would be more bearable.
STOP IT! I can't stand it! Its like poison to my ears! The tone, the way the words are draaaaaaawnnnnnnnn ooouuuuut lliiiiike theeesee. STOP IT!
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