Judging by the humiliating way the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have gone, war with Iran would be the biggest disaster that America has ever done. It would be far worse than Vietnam. The US military is already completely overstretched keeping Iraqi insurgents and Taliban at bay (not very successfully mind you) and a war with Iran would have serious negative impacts on the worlds oil supplies and America's economy, not least the funding for the war.
US Generals will quit if Bush orders war with Iran - UK Times
Why are US military Generals threatening to quit over Iran, breakdown of points:
- The US military is completely overstretched. There are very few soldiers left to invade Iran. That means they would have to pull out of Iraq first which would mean failure in Iraq.
- Right now because of the overstretched military the only military action the US can undertake is a bombing campaign of Iran, but that would acheive very little except for civilian death. The Iranians would ally themselves with the hardliners in Iran. It would make it harder for the US to launch a ground invasion. (Bombing campaigns do NOT win you wars, take a look at Vietnam, Iraq 2003 or Afghanistan for proof. It would achieve very little.)
- Iran is a major oil exporter, a war with Iran would lead to a decrease in oil supply and push oil prices even higher. Like paying $100 a barrel for oil, just wait till that figure passes $200.
- The US does NOT have the money to launch a new war. It's already overspending, on the brink of a recession and the dollars going down faster than a hooker. Bush's wars are bankrupting the US. An incease in oil prices is just going to make the recession even worse.
- War with Iran would spread even more "terrorism", would unite many different Mujahideen factions and the Ayatollah would have no hesitation launching a true Jihad. Hundreds of thousands of Shi'ites and Muslims would be commanded to fight for the protection of Iran. That is something which the US would find next to impossible to win. Imagine fighters coming from Russia, Europe, China, Pakistan, Egypt, Arabian Gulf etc.
- These wars are not Americas to fight, they are for Israel's protection. Essentially zionists in the US are controlling US foreign policy to get the US to fight a Israels proxy war.
Adm. William Fallon resigns after Magazine finds he is challenging Bush's intentions to wage war with Iran.
Quote: "Fallon, commander of U.S. Central Command headquarters responsible for the Middle East, said earlier this month that he would quit after Esquire magazine described him as urging President George W. Bush to avoid war with Iran."
A war with Iran would be one of the biggest mistakes the US has ever committed in its history.
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