Is it ridiculous or is it just?
It is pointless because it focuses on problems that have already been solved, whilst entirely ignoring legitimate abuses towards women in other cultures.
All of their goals dont actually exist/have already been solved. So its a pointless movement that is currently a cancer on society.
3rd wave feminism is about equity rather than equality.
It's trash, women have the same rights that men do in the west, and if habits that men have bother you, that's not feminism.
I want changed is the high price of feminine hygiene products because aim pretty sure men don't want the ladies in their lives to reek or bleed on their expensive stuff just as much as the ladies do. And stop it with the she was wearing this so she's asking for it mentality. It doesn't excuse the fact a human being made the conscious decision to commit rape. I think men want that too because they have girlfriends, moms, wives, sisters and daughters they love. I also want these so called modern feminist to fight for our men. Men get told to bottle their emotions otherwise they be seen as weak, that might lead to mental health problems. And also men get raped too why is no one fighting for them. I'd want the douche who hurt and traumatized a male in my life to pay. Mostly I just want humans to not suck anymore but that particular wish might be out of reach. If these women can't fight for all I'm calling them fake feminist because society doesn't just hurt women
1st wave feminism - fantastic
2nd wave feminism - fantastic
3rd wave feminism - disgusting and useless.
I remember hearing during a discussion that given that such a small percentage of women today identify as a feminist. Women in large, do not agree with the views, or care about the things modern day feminists like to discuss.
That's quite the indicator that feminism, is a hijacked movement that has lost sight of what women actually want or need. The pay gap in particular, has been debunked several times. Women who choose to be housewives, have repeatedly been insulted and belittled by feminists. And quite frankly, women frequently have personal problems with other women.
It is literal cancer. I have heard stories of feminazis turning on each other. White feminazis aren't real feminazis and such so not only do normal people hate them they hate each other too.
It's a hate movement, little more. The day feminism dies is a day men and women are drawn closer together.
PS glad the thread hasn't been shut down YET.
Had they focused on overall womens rights in places that lacks it, places where women are discouraged, often violently, from getting an education, a job, etc. Then they'd be following in the footsteps of the women who fought to ensure equal rights and opportunities. And by all means there are those that do and they ought to be praised.
But when the vocal parts are focusing on and getting outraged over men sitting with their legs apart, women who chose to be housewives, and that a entertainment medium lacks fictional female protaganists. All of which is either easily fixed or is utterly insignificant. It does come off as highly unserious when you take into consideration the work feminists did before and what they actually could focus on today.
@Celsius765: I don't want to pay for your hygiene products. And I can pay for the women of my life myself if necessary.
It is pointless because it focuses on problems that have already been solved, whilst entirely ignoring legitimate abuses towards women in other cultures.
Pretty much.
@themajormayor: No I said eliminate the price hike not make men pay for it. There's no reason women should be paying more to get stuff to deal with our mandatory bodily function.
It triggers a lot of sad, pathetic men who have probably never touched a woman before so it's a-okay in my book.
@themajormayor: No I said eliminate the price hike not make men pay for it. There's no reason women should be paying more to get stuff to deal with our mandatory bodily function.
And how should that be achieved?
It triggers a lot of sad, pathetic men who have probably never touched a woman before so it's a-okay in my book.
Virgin shaming!
The movement is disparate and unorganized, but America still needs it. It is the only 1st world nation with no paid maternity or paternity leave. And yes, I included paternity leave in there because it helps make both parents more equal partners in the child rearing process, and is therefore in line with feminist ideals. Much of the current income disparity would get more balanced just by doing that.
In most first world countries today... Isn't women themselves the biggest issue 3rd wave feminism have?
I remember hearing during a discussion that given that such a small percentage of women today identify as a feminist. Women in large, do not agree with the views, or care about the things modern day feminists like to discuss.
That's quite the indicator that feminism, is a hijacked movement that has lost sight of what women actually want or need. The pay gap in particular, has been debunked several times. Women who choose to be housewives, have repeatedly been insulted and belittled by feminists. And quite frankly, women frequently have personal problems with other women.
I believe we agree...
1st wave feminism - fantastic
2nd wave feminism - fantastic
3rd wave feminism - disgusting and useless.
Pretty much. 3rd wave feminism is actually about shifting the tables towards women instead of keeping everything balanced. Case in point: Anita Sarkeesian actually said she wanted to see more women than men in gaming. That is not equality.
@themajormayor: No more sales tax on feminine hygiene products. There are plenty of optional things that can be taxed. Like hair dyes, colognes/perfumes, junk food, and other non essentials. A women can't up decide to turn off her menstrual cycle and they really need these things to get thsee things. I'd also recommend a minimum wage hike for all not just women. The more money people have the more the can spend.(this might be good I hear it's pretty scary getting by as a college student pizza and Ramen noodle diet anyone)
@JustPlainLucas: 10-20% more women would be nice.....that is if we still have decent writers still in the industry. I wouldn't even mind if they were eye candy if they're well written.
Don't know. Most people (including women) where I am act normal. It's not like they're in my face with their issues.
Its an absolute cancer in any society.
Modern Third wave feminism is the biggest threat to humanity at the moment.
Not Russians, Not Isis, not Global warming, not immigration, not North Korea, not Trump. But feminism.
May I seek asylum in Kekistan?
I've said it before, but I think the primary problem with modern feminism is it is reaching the end of its useful life.
Any movement has a set of goals. However, as you approach these goals, the number of rational members of your movement begin to decline as they are satisfied with what you have accomplished. However, the irrational ones remain as they are irrational. As such, the closer and closer you get to the ultimate goal, the more and more irrational the movement becomes. I think feminism is well into this pattern.
However, it should be noted that Feminism was never pure. It always had it's irrational nut cases. Just by proportion there was less of them before and even then they could complain mostly about legitimate issues. As the legitimate issues have dried up, and rational members come to believe the situation is satisfactory, the irrational voices have gain more and more prominence.
@themajormayor: No more sales tax on feminine hygiene products. There are plenty of optional things that can be taxed. Like hair dyes, colognes/perfumes, junk food, and other non essentials. A women can't up decide to turn off her menstrual cycle and they really need these things to get thsee things. I'd also recommend a minimum wage hike for all not just women. The more money people have the more the can spend.(this might be good I hear it's pretty scary getting by as a college student pizza and Ramen noodle diet anyone)
That's *not* how economics work.
Modern feminism in the Western world is a joke. Hell, it really isn't even feminism. Female supremacy or narcissism are better descriptors. Most of these "feminists" are whiny brats who can't accept that other people have differing opinions than them. They yell if you present facts to them. Most of them are white, yet they bash white males and pretend they rule over women in an imaginary patriarchy. They whine about topics like the portrayal of women in video games or lack of "safe spaces" or "microaggressions", when there are women in some countries who are barred from voting, getting an education, getting a job, and even driving (in Saudi Arabia anyway). They are forced to a obey a strict dress code and violations result in beatings and public humiliation.
What these idiot "feminists" don't realize is that they have it better than most of the world's population, both men and women. They complain about a made up patriarchy while women in conservative Muslim countries live under actual patriarchies.
They are also massively hypocritical. They'll tear you new ass hole if you mention the injustices women face in much of the Islamic world. They'll call you a racist because they'll say that's part of their culture or some nonsense. Human rights violations are human rights violations, whether or not they are part of a culture. And if human rights violations are part of a culture, it really tells you something about that culture; it makes you question if all cultures are equal. Not to mention "Muslim" is not a race. The number of Americans who think Muslims are a race is too damn high. Little do they know that the largest Muslim country is Indonesia, a Southeast Asian country that ranks fourth in population behind China, India, and the US.
TL;DR: Modern feminism in the West is largely redundant, filled with mostly whiny white women who think they're oppressed, and feminism needs to spread to the countries that need it most, especially in the Islamic world.
modern feminism, like third-wave feminism?
It avoids what it should focus on (equality) and instead focuses on what it should avoid (tipping the scales). They're not out for justice or equality or to be fair; they're out for revenge, payback, and attention.
Feminism, in general, is pretty awesome but only when practiced as a subset of the general practice of equality.
Great. A feminism opinion thread on a male dominated gaming forum.
In b4 a bunch of angry comments from men. Oh, nope, too late.
You apparently have not heard women talk a bout bad feminists, have you?
They hate them more than most men. Men are just like "Oh they're annoying"
Women (true feminists, I mean) actually feel like they're (bad feminists) setting them back, they are negatively impacting their lives.
It's unescessery, it's not the 1920s anymore
You say that, but as we have come to find out, it's still men signing and passing laws that literally tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Have we really come as far as we think we have? Not really.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you all those bimbos with the vagina hats had a point or that Madonna was right, and that political correctness is acceptable, but there is still a need for real feminism in this country. We have a bunch of sick, crusty white old farts signing away the rights of vaginas and ovaries of women across the nation for what? Religious reasons? Some other nonsense?
GTFO of here with that nonsense.
I'm sorry, I don't like a lot of feminism (most of modern feminism, actually), but when you come in here and be like "Oh it's not the 1920's anymore" like women don't really have problems any more, you're full of it. My sister makes 20k more per year than her husband, but they have two kids and she is still expected to give up her job, stay at home, take care of the kids because my brother in law is the man...and they're pretty damn progressive, too!
We are not as advanced as we think we are. The US is still a backwards country in many many many ways.
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