Yeah, order less and charge more for the product you do have during the holidays. The consumer will be royally peeved off, but you'll end up selling fewer, thereby needing fewer, while still making the same amount per unit. Especially if the item's a hot item that year.
Not Wamart's and other industry leaders' business is to sell massive quantities at a low cost (bulk = pay less per unit, but higher storage costs, hopefully make it up in QTY sold)
I don't see why a normal associate wouldn't be able to keep better track, since my coworkers usually goofed off when they were supposed to be working. Once again, I'd think a similar thing happens at larger stores, so come down harder on the people who do slack off and don't do what they're supposed to do. Hell, I used to get so annoyed at my coworkers when they complained they had too much to do and too little time to do it. I usually had to carry their slack so the boss wouldn't fire them.
You have never worked at Walmart or Sam's is all I will say...usually not the best associates...and I will leave it at that
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