In memory of the recently locked baby eating topic here's a couple of questions revolving around a hypothetical scenario where a fetus is not considered to be a human life until it is born.
If a fetus is not a human life then would you let people eat it and have it sold at supermarkets (assuming of course that it is legally obtained and properly labelled)? Would such a practice be considered cannibalism?
If a fetus is not a human life then what sort of crime is it to kill it. Would a roundhouse kick to a pregnant womans stomach be murder, property damage or just assault?
If a fetus is not a human life then would torturing it be a case of animal cruelty or something else?
I would let people eat them. I'm guessing there are a lot of people who wouldn't like that kind of thing going on, though. To clarify exactly what a fetus is, it is alive but it is NOT, at a certain stage, considered human. Though it may have fingernails, hair, etc, these biological traits do not in and of themselves constitute a human being. I think you know this, though. It is for this reason that I can find no difference between eating a fetus and eating a horse in America. Nothing technically wrong with either act, though both will be looked upon unfavorably.
Legally, a roundhouse kick to a pregnant woman's stomach would be murder, manslaughter at the very least. I can agree with this, provided it could not be proved in court that the woman had intended to abort the fetus.
I don't really know about torturing a fetus. I'd assume it'd be like torturing a fish or something. Everyone would do it where they couldn't really be seen and the torture would be over quickly. It wouldn't really be the kind of noticeable thing you'd be dragged to court over, like fighting your pooch or leaving some large animals without water for a week.
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