First off I should state that I am against any month that is dedicated to a certain ehtnic group completely, I don't think it's right to divide people into different months of the year and saying "this is your month, and this is their month ect..." To me there is only American History and black history, hispanic history, asian history ect...are all a part of American History. I don't understand why people want to sepearte them.
I ask this question because today in one of my college classes a student said there should be a gay history month to celbrate them being gay and a black student said he agreed becasue he has a month to celbrate being black. But another student asked why can't there be a white history month, why can they be celberated but not her. And it got me to thinking this whole "race of the month" thing is just wrong.
For the record I am an ethnic minority as well (Jewish) so don't call me a nazi or racist or anything else, I'm non of those. I just think it's dumb and wrong to divide people into different months of the year. And it's hypocritical for one group of people to say that a White History Month would be racist but not a Black History Month or any other ethnicity history month isn't.
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