Please tell how my thinking contradicts what is in the bible. With all honestly, you can freely pick apart my postt I will not look for evidence to support my post, I do not feel I need defend it. Not because I can not because I am sure my search would prove fruitful. But if I quote the bible you will say I am shoving religion at you, which is something I do not like to do to people and if I quote science you will say I am taking it out of context. And I honestly have no wish to engage in a conversation with you about my religious beliefs, I will get niether of us anywhere.
Where in the Bible does it say evolution happened? And now, you're assuming what I'm going to say, which is an intellectual dead end.
Neither of us will be successful in convincing the other.
Two things, though. One, Evolution is not merely defined in the biological sense, as you presume, I gave you two definitons - One, social and One, bioogical. Two, because we evolve to match our environments how does that contradict creationism? Explain this to me, because I take scriptures quite literally. But I, honestly, do not see a contradiction. God created man, he never said man would not adapt and change, we are still human and that has not changed. But because I have pigment, and another is pale there can no God, only natural selection? Explain, please.
I know there are more definitions to evolution, but yes in the biological sense, there is only one. The bible says that God created man from dirt, and woman from a man's rib. You could believe that God created evolution to form the variety of species, but using scriptures is silly, in the fact that they authors didn't know what natural selection was.
What I do not get is people, who do not believe in God, often use science as a means to denounce the belief of God. However, science is not strutured to disprove God. It is established to understand life.
Except with regard to the several theories of how the world or universe was created, the most popular of which is the big bang, I believe. That in itself creates another Mystery what created the big bang (or the Hot dense substance that exploded and is expanding)
Nothing exploded... it was expansion. Well, there were explosions during the period where hydrogen clouds covered most of the universe.
For the sake of argument, look up Quantum Physics.
What does this have to do with evolution?
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