[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="fidosim"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="fidosim"][QUOTE="kittykatz5k"] [QUOTE="fidosim"]
Animals can love too! :cry:
No they can't.
And as for the rest of that, it has always had far far more supporters than the "let me marry my sister" foundation, and supporters who generally aren't in a bad mental state.
Two questions:
1. What is your definition of love?
2. How can you consider someone who would rather have sex with someone of the same gender, which produces no child, than with someone of the opposite gender, which would produce a child and keep the species alive, to be in a good mental state? Homosexuals are obviously acting against their genetics.
...You just come up with this stuff as you go, don't ya? Scientific studies have found that homosexual tendiencies are inate; being influenced by hormonal tendencies, and, you guessed it, genetics.
Homosexual tendencies are the result of a mental imbalance. The studies i've heard of suggest that everyone is bisexual to some degree, but the vast majority of people are still driven to copulate with the opposite sex to produce children. Homosexuals don't experience this drive because they are mentally imbalanced.
Can I have link to this laughable study? I can find a study that says the world is flat. It has literally been YEARS since the American Psychiatric Association proclaimed that homosexuality was officially NOT a disorder. You can provide with any 'study' you want. I have a hunch that none of them will hold as much weight as the APA.
The theory of innate bisexuality was pioneered by Sigmund Freud, one of the greatest ever observers of the human mind and mentality. I believe the American Psychiatric Association is what Jack Thompson always refers to when he claims video games turn all children into ruthless killers. I don't think the study I cited has a problem with holding weight.
Jack Thompson doesn't ever pull out anything real from them. He just likes streching words.
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