[QUOTE="123625"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?Maqda7
I hate that site/video :x
But my answer is, because he doesn't want to.
That is the stupidest responce I have ever heard.
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[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?123625
I hate that site/video :x
But my answer is, because he doesn't want to.
It's because he can't. Let's be real here.
The closest us humans can do to "heal" an amputee is by giving them a prosthetic limb.
[QUOTE="123625"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?Shad0ki11
I hate that site/video :x
But my answer is, because he doesn't want to.
It's because he can't. Let's be real here.
The closest us humans can do to "heal" an amputee is by giving them a prosthetic limb.
So we're better than god? :D[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"][QUOTE="123625"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?DeeJayInphinity
I hate that site/video :x
But my answer is, because he doesn't want to.
It's because he can't. Let's be real here.
The closest us humans can do to "heal" an amputee is by giving them a prosthetic limb.
So we're better than god? :DWhat do you think? O_o
[QUOTE="Maqda7"][QUOTE="123625"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?123625
I hate that site/video :x
But my answer is, because he doesn't want to.
That is the stupidest responce I have ever heard.
Reasons why it is the stupidest responce I have ever heard:
1) Seriously? He doesn't want to? GOD, the all good all mighty doesn't WANT to help a person in need.
2) How the hell do you know what God wants and doens't want.
3) God doesn't exist. Well, atleast thats what I think.
:lol: It has been a while since I've seen someone use him as a rebuttal.VenomFangX = instant fail.
Reasons why it is the stupidest responce I have ever heard:
1) Seriously? He doesn't want to? GOD, the all good all mighty doesn't WANT to help a person in need.
Meh, can't answer this the way I envision it. You win.
2) How the hell do you know what God wants and doens't want.
Judging by the fact's, amputee's are not healed, so obviously God doesn't want to, or has some other reason I'm unaware of.
3) God doesn't exist. Well, atleast thats what I think.
Right, what you think.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?123625
I hate that site/video :x
But my answer is, because he doesn't want to.
Well, my answer is much more practical. It's because if everything was the way we wanted it to be.. then we wouldn't be alive anyways and there would be no such thing as God. There is no life without diversity. You'd never be able to perceive anything without something to compare it too. God, understands this better than anyone. But I'm not using the word God in the sense that I actually believe what religion tells me about God.
Humans always perceive things one of two ways. True, or False. Good or Bad, Yes or No. Yeah, we do have an understanding of maybe, but it's not where we commit our values and understandings. I don't believe life works this way. It's so much more than just opposites. When we draw contrasts between what we see and experience with our physical senses we separate them into very simple categories. But what we fail to see that even what appears to be an opposite is actually a piece of a whole concept. You need both to create the concept, without either the concept doesn't exist, as far as human perception goes. There is no true and false, that's just the simplification of how the human mind works. The concept is actualy one thing. We're just noticing the concepts different traits and explaining them as separate, and that's where we lose our way.
It's not because God doesn't want to. It's because God is a bigger concept than human thinking. I see God as a representation of what human logic is incapable of. I don't see it as if we were made in the image of God, like the bible suggests. God is not a person, but many people approach God as if God would think and feel like humans do. God is simply a form of energy that is unexplainable past a certain point of human thinking. And that's where religion comes into play.
Anyways, this is what I've been thinking about lately. It's not necessarily finished as it takes me a while to rework and reexamine what I'm trying to say.
[QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]vid[QUOTE="Silenthps"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?Silenthps
VenomFangX = instant fail.
WOW:shock: that was such an awsome rebuttal to what he said :roll:There is no other way to describe VenomFangX
Quite frankly, it is unwise to take religious advice from someone who is pretty much Kent Hovind junior.
You stole my naming idea. :twisted: Umm, I was about to think of adding something, but your point seems so sarcastic and inanae I'm not even going to comment.How come He be so cruel that He gave unattractive people a heart,feelings and desires?
. . . . . .I. . . . . . this. . . . . . .how. . . . .what. . . . . ..
Thsi is. . . . .the Problem of Bad Looks??. . . .
The things people say. . .
Even I will admit this was a rather weak attempt at trying to prove that god isn't loving. No offence to the topic creator, just could've used a better reason rather than appearance.
[QUOTE="Silenthps"][QUOTE="-Jiggles-"][QUOTE="Silenthps"][QUOTE="-Jiggles-"][QUOTE="Silenthps"]because you dont need to look attractive to attract a member of the opposite sex?LikeHaterade
It certainly is a defining factor in attracting somebody, though.
not really. As long as your not really over the top butt ugly... you can pretty much attract any girl with the right skills....Which proves my point.
Also take into consideration that somebody being "over-the-top butt-ugly" is subjective.
by really over the top butt ugly, i mean something like thisvery few people are really "over the top butt ugly" and i strongly doubt the op is one
There is a woman for that man somewhere.
and here she is![QUOTE="Silenthps"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de7kisfQ1vYfoxhound_fox
[QUOTE="Silenthps"][QUOTE="Shad0ki11"]vid[QUOTE="Silenthps"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If God is all loving then why doesn't he heal amputees?Shad0ki11
VenomFangX = instant fail.
WOW:shock: that was such an awsome rebuttal to what he said :roll:There is no other way to describe VenomFangX
Quite frankly, it is unwise to take religious advice from someone who is pretty much Kent Hovind junior.
again, creationism and theology are two totally diffrent things. Just because he fails on the creationism part, doesn't mean he can't give a valid response to a question regarding the bible.Well I'm going to ignore your religious comment, and reply to the other aspect of your topic. Unless you are actually 'deformed' you probably could be attractive If you really wanted to. Lose wieght, work out, try to eat better (you'll have nicer skin), take good care of yourself.) Other people are right about you not having to be THAT attractive. I know that when it comes to women all that matters for me is that I do find them physically attractive on SOME level, but the rest is all about personality.
Like if we were rating traits on a scail of one to ten like this:
Girl 1: Personallity: 5 Hotness: 8
Girl 2: Personality: 8 Hotness: 5
Girl 3: Personality: 10 Hotness: 0.5
I'd take girl 2.
beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. i met ppl i've thought was attractive then appeared really ugly to me once i started to know them. and i've met ppl i thought was unattractive turn out to look beautiful because of the person they are.
itz up to you to take care of your own body. no such thing as ugly ppl, even deformed ppl can become beautiful if giving a chance. i blame the tv and magazines for corrupting the mind.
Someone obiviously needs to face, that if there were a God, he's an evil mother**** Don't give me any of that 'necessity of evil for progress crap', the guy is almighty and perfect, and he damn well ought to act like it!
Looks are subjective dude. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to look.:roll:Someone obiviously needs to face, that if there were a God, he's an evil mother**** Don't give me any of that 'necessity of evil for progress crap', the guy is almighty and perfect, and he damn well ought to act like it!
But the girl I love wants a good match in terms of looks and I am simply not.Shez hot,I am not.Well I'm going to ignore your religious comment, and reply to the other aspect of your topic. Unless you are actually 'deformed' you probably could be attractive If you really wanted to. Lose wieght, work out, try to eat better (you'll have nicer skin), take good care of yourself.) Other people are right about you not having to be THAT attractive. I know that when it comes to women all that matters for me is that I do find them physically attractive on SOME level, but the rest is all about personality.
Like if we were rating traits on a scail of one to ten like this:
Girl 1: Personallity: 5 Hotness: 8
Girl 2: Personality: 8 Hotness: 5
Girl 3: Personality: 10 Hotness: 0.5
I'd take girl 2.
It's not about girls,it's about the one girl I didnt get cuz God didnt make me hot,simple as that......
[QUOTE="Deep_Thinker_1"]I see it as a blessing. Its good to root out the girls who want you for the wrong reasons.What if it prevented you from getting the right girl?How come He be so cruel that He gave unattractive people a heart,feelings and desires?
And I dont understand this "who want you for the wrong reasons" thing.What's wrong with satisfying your lust?
And I dont understand this "who want you for the wrong reasons" thing.What's wrong with satisfying your lust?
Because anyone who bases their relationship purely on looks will swiftly move on when a "better deal" comes along. To me, that isn't the right girl.
[QUOTE="Deep_Thinker_1"]And I dont understand this "who want you for the wrong reasons" thing.What's wrong with satisfying your lust?
Because anyone who bases their relationship purely on looks will swiftly move on when a "better deal" comes along. To me, that isn't the right girl.
Not necessarily.Once you develop care and attachment to the person,then it's a different thing.And like no matter how hot I was,I would have still loved this girl with all my passion and care.She would know that she'll prolly not gonna get it from that "better deal" and she isnt super hot either,it's just that my eyes and heart find her the absolute best.And obviously looks arent everything but the other things are within your control.
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