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How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.Theokhoth
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
It depends on why the person hates the race, if the Person hates a race because of their looks or culture Religion then they are just stupid.
But if you hate a group of people from a certain country which destroyed your country TWICE in the past 20 years then it is not your fault you hate them. I am a musim from Lebanon so you can just guess which country I hate.
so what is racism anyways...
according to the dictionary it is this:
"a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others."
which is why racism is stupid
It depends on why the person hates the race, if the Person hates a race because of their looks or culture Religion then they are just stupid.
But if you hate a group of people from a certain country which destroyed your country TWICE in the past 20 years then it is not your fault you hate them. I am a musim from Lebanon so you can just guess which country I hate.
Is it Isreal? J/W
Many cultures only insist on staying with there own kind. In US if you are black or white and you insist on staying with your own you are a racist. Hispanics are next on the list, then the Asians.
I think people get confused about racisim and sociology. People tend to like things like themselves.
Studies have shown the most dicrimanated have been overweight people and elderly.
I have a freind that hates blacks but he is married to a black girl. She is not a mix she is black. Is racism , racism or just a stereo type. example if you are white; what are you more affaid of...walking on to a all black collage campus or into a biker bar of all white guys.
why are you afraid...some would say racism. why are you racist of your own. No it is stero type. I personally don't believe that racism is the correct word.
Many cultures only insist on staying with there own kind. In US if you are black or white and you insist on staying with your own you are a racist. Hispanics are next on the list, then the Asians.
I think people get confused about racisim and sociology. People tend to like things like themselves.
Studies have shown the most dicrimanated have been overweight people and elderly.
I have a freind that hates blacks but he is married to a black girl. She is not a mix she is black. Is racism , racism or just a stereo type. example if you are white; what are you more affaid of...walking on to a all black collage campus or into a biker bar of all white guys.
why are you afraid...some would say racism. why are you racist of your own. No it is stero type. I personally don't believe that racism is the correct word.
100% right. I'm not going to hate a black person because of his skin color. I don't like a lot of black people because they are a certian negative stereotype.
There is no ****ing excuse for arbitrarily hating another race.
maybe it's based on experiences.
my uncle is a white guy who went to an all black schools when he was a kid. he used to get his butt kicked every day by the other kids so thats probably the cause of his attitudes.
A lot of white guys are mean to me. Doesn't mean im going to hate all white people... same here[QUOTE="Anti-Venom"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]If you were educated you wouldn't be racist...-Austin-
Not true at all
Yes it is....
Have you ever met a well-educated,intelligent racist? I doubt it.
Actually yea....Ive met more then one unfortunately
[QUOTE="Anti-Venom"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]If you were educated you wouldn't be racist...-Austin-
Not true at all
Yes it is....
Have you ever met a well-educated,intelligent racist? I doubt it.
A lot of people are confusing the term "racism" with "ethnocentrism," which is understandable (and happens frequently). If his motives are informed by perceived biological and physiological differences (which are primarily cosmetic), he is racist. If his hatred or superiority complex is informed by his study of and position on a given culture and the ethnic/racial groups related to said culture, he is ethnocentric. One poster made an astute point: people often choose to ignore more complex aspects of racism and ethnocentrism, and simply state that they hate racists, or that racists are ignorant. Few people will argue with such an assertion, but it doesn't provide any further understanding or knowledge. It's a simplistic and ineffectual gesture reflecting what has become the norm in Western culture.
Also, intelligence and racism do not exist exclusively from one another. What is the criteria for measuring intelligence?
Another poster considered anti-racists and considered the dichotomy that exists between racists and anti-racists. I don't believe you can equate racism with the vague concept of hatred. Anti-racism manifests itself differently among groups of people and from individual to individual, while racism generally does not. I hate a lot of people, and that hate isn't analagous to racism. Why? Because context is everything.
[QUOTE="peeviness"][QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="Anti-Venom"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]If you were educated you wouldn't be racist...-Austin-
Not true at all
Yes it is....
Have you ever met a well-educated,intelligent racist? I doubt it.
Al Sharpton
I assume thats a joke...
I have seen a well educated racist. I saw a KKK ring-leader on 60 Minutes. He had to have made it through the grueling 4 years we call "second grade."
then what is the term for a person who is in his 40s, and has studied the culture of the people he hates? What if he is completely educated, a successful person, and willfully chooses to be a racist?
What do you call those people?
Ignorant racists.
Any person who thinks a person, because of their color and background, is automatically lower then your own is automatically an idiot in my book.
[QUOTE="Anti-Venom"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]If you were educated you wouldn't be racist...-Austin-
Not true at all
Yes it is....
Have you ever met a well-educated,intelligent racist? I doubt it.
Not all racists are just stupid hillbillies..
A lot of Wall Street, rich-out-the-ass businessmen are racist.
I think they're called yuppies.
[QUOTE="peeviness"][QUOTE="-Austin-"][QUOTE="Anti-Venom"][QUOTE="-Austin-"]If you were educated you wouldn't be racist...-Austin-
Not true at all
Yes it is....
Have you ever met a well-educated,intelligent racist? I doubt it.
Al Sharpton
I assume thats a joke...
How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.Theokhoth
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
[QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
[QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.criinok
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
[QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
racism is when you DEGRADE a race with stereotypes,
And plus, if that actually did happen... Then it would just be fact. Done deal.
[QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.criinok
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
racism is when you DEGRADE a race with stereotypes,
And plus, if that actually did happen... Then it would just be fact. Done deal.
but whats considered a stereotype if it's true? aren't all stereotypes true, otherwise they wouldn't be widely accepted by the ignorant population..idk
[QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.criinok
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
racism is when you DEGRADE a race with stereotypes,
And plus, if that actually did happen... Then it would just be fact. Done deal.
then what is the term for a person who is in his 40s, and has studied the culture of the people he hates? What if he is completely educated, a successful person, and willfully chooses to be a racist?
What do you call those people?
Maybe they find something they don't like about the culture or maybe they're just hateful people. If you don't have a reason to hate but still do, you are considered ignorant.
so you are saying stereo types are just a wim...they are not here for some reason or another[QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.LILSMUCK
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
racism is when you DEGRADE a race with stereotypes,
And plus, if that actually did happen... Then it would just be fact. Done deal.
Of course, everything has a reason and purpose, but it doesn't make it right... Tiger Woods and Lil Wayne are nothing alike. So that breaks black stereotypes already.
[QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
racism is when you DEGRADE a race with stereotypes,
And plus, if that actually did happen... Then it would just be fact. Done deal.
but whats considered a stereotype if it's true? aren't all stereotypes true, otherwise they wouldn't be widely accepted by the ignorant population..idk
Your statement made no sense...
So if the ignorant population accepts it, it's true?
Okay... 'All Asian people are super smart'
I have an Asian friend who's failing every subject at school.
That stereotype is false.
So no. Not all stereotypes are true, if not NONE of them are true.
Someone get Jacboy71 in here.. HE'LL talk to you about racism...
[QUOTE="LILSMUCK"]so you are saying stereo types are just a wim...they are not here for some reason or another[QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.criinok
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
racism is when you DEGRADE a race with stereotypes,
And plus, if that actually did happen... Then it would just be fact. Done deal.
Of course, everything has a reason and purpose, but it doesn't make it right... Tiger Woods and Lil Wayne are nothing alike. So that breaks black stereotypes already.
you are not gettin my point and you are making this a totally black point at that[QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="LILSMUCK"]so you are saying stereo types are just a wim...they are not here for some reason or another[QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="criinok"][QUOTE="fox-21"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]How so?[QUOTE="cpo335"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]Ignorant. . . . .at least the unintelligent people have a reason to hate; the educated person has no excuse for his hatred.LILSMUCK
The uneducated person simply believes what he's told, or what he falsely perceives, about a certain race, and hates the race for it.
The educated person knows these perceptions to be false, yet still hates the race.
In this case the educated person is morally inferior to the stupid redneck.
what if the person finds the perseptions to be true? then everyone would find out they were wrong all along and would then have the right to be a racist, right?
I don't think any stereotypes can ever be found to be true because making an assumption for an ENTIRE race that is correct, applying to every single person, is impossible.
well ok this isnt factual at all, but say for example they do a study and 100% of people from asian descent could not pass their drivers test. all of the "racists" that say asians can't drive would now be correct, so would all of the people who weren't racist to begin with now be labeled racists for thinking asains drive well? it just doesn't add up
racism is when you DEGRADE a race with stereotypes,
And plus, if that actually did happen... Then it would just be fact. Done deal.
Of course, everything has a reason and purpose, but it doesn't make it right... Tiger Woods and Lil Wayne are nothing alike. So that breaks black stereotypes already.
That was just an example... I could say that about every other race, too... >_>
criinock...Do you think that Asians are smart people and very family orientedLILSMUCK
As I said in a different post, they aren't all smart. Several of my Asian friends get horrid grades.
As for the tight family, that's vaguely true. I could say that a lot of Asian parents in that area/generation are strict with their children, but then I have met some aren't, and some kids that hate their parents for being so strict.
Family is more into 'culture', not stereotypes.
That's where the stereotype comes from...most.
one thing is clear, we should all tolerate everyones indiffrances, if you are Gay Fat, Old, Handicapt , different religion or color...tolerate don't hate
[QUOTE="LILSMUCK"]criinock...Do you think that Asians are smart people and very family orientedcriinok
As I said in a different post, they aren't all smart. Several of my Asian friends get horrid grades.
As for the tight family, that's vaguely true. I could say that a lot of Asian parents in that area/generation are strict with their children, but then I have met some aren't, and some kids that hate their parents for being so strict.
Family is more into 'culture', not stereotypes.
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