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No, I'd just try and join the air force or the navy. That way, I won't feel like a coward and I won't get my ass shot off. Plus, free flight lessons.
Id pick the Air Force personally. Would be alot of fun.
[QUOTE="MetaKnight50"]I would tell them im dead.XD4NTESINF3RNOXhow would you tell them your dead?? :? If they're stupid enough to choose me, then they're stupid enough to believe that story.
I would go and fight in a heartbeat. I'd rather die knowing I helped my country than run away and be a coward.
i live in the u.s and we all have had the privilage to grow up without bombs over our head and threats from britian ect... though i agree the past has shown theres been wars that hasnt had to do with us being threatened to the extent of our freedoms taken away... there has been many that has and those brave soldiers who accepted the draft and took it like a man so we can sit here today typing these very sentences and have the rights we do. In the extent of a draft being persued by the govt. i would infact concider going but if it was a war like vietnam, i do not wanna die to protect the freedoms of other countrys. If it was a war where our own country was at stake yes i would go and fight bravely. For example if china and russia decided to invade the u.s ect... The likely hood of us dieing is great but if we lost our freedoms whats the point in living.
ThisDepends upon what the war is. If it's a just war and America truley is threatened, I'll do my duty. If it's a result of America trying to police the world, count me out.
If my country was being invaded, then perhaps I would serve in a non-combat role. Otherwise I'd already have been registered as a concientious objector and would take the case to court.
Sorry, but I would move elsewhere; joining the army or entering a war is the last thing I would ever want to do. Call me a coward, call me a traitor, I do not care, war is a thing I refuse to ever be a part of, and I believe I'd be a bigger coward if I just unwillingly joined something I didn't want to even do, rather than stay true to myself and my feelings and not join the war. I do not want to be a traitor to my own feelings and own self.
I do not care what counytry it is, I would not fight for it. Plain and simple. I like living in America, it is a good place, but I do not feel so patriotic for it I would put my life on line. I would not feel this way for any other country. I have other plans for how I want to live my life, and I will not allow any government to ruin those plans.
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