These are some of the things that needs to be changed:
- Materialistic values must be not be continued.
- Religion must go or values in main world religions must be heavily modified.
- All drugs/narcotics must be grown/produced, distributed and controlled by the state.
- All borders must be removed.
- All local laws must be removed and replaced with world laws.
- Present economic system must be replaced with a real-value system. Meaning; you cannot "make" values (money) out of nothing. All values must be grounded to something concrete.
- A one world currency must be introduced.
- All military-grade weapons research must end. Instead the resources currently allocated to this must shift to research within the field of medicine, free energy and space exploration.
- All national dept between countries and the world bank must be erased. We need to start over.
- A "max income" must be established for all jobs. No one person needs to accumulate the ridiculous amount of values that some people are able to do today.
- Schools and education system must be changed to meet the variety of people. Todays system more or less force everyone to learn the same stuff in the same way.
- Prison must only be used with major offences: Murder, rape, gross violence, gross ignorance (DUIwith a result of injury as an example)and such. All other violations must be punished by communal service and further education.
Yes, I realise this is stepping on almost every ones feet, but take a look at the world today. Can you honestly say that this is a place where you want your children to grow up? Is individualmaterialism and wealth more important than the well being of your fellow human?
I tell you: as of today there are more armed conflicts going on (on a world basis) then there was combined up until the late 1800s. More than 1 billion people do not have enough to eat every day, yet obesity is an increasing problem in western society. The distribution of resources are worse then ever.
We are facing larger and larger global issues; weather/climate-canges, we are continuing to deplete our fuel resources and war is every day news.
If we are to turn this around, every human being on the planet must contribute and OUR lives must change radically. If we do not take action we will create a master-slave society, where the western world continues to rape the planet and the rest of its people.
Soo.. The question is: Do you recognize this? Are you willing to change your life to help someone you've never met and most like never will meet? Do you recognize that all human life is equal and more important then getting a new random item to ease your own life?
Our forefather have left us waist deep in dirt people...and it's raising rapidly. To quote a popular meme: "I am disappoint"
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