Alright TC, i am keeping my promise from before (at work now)
These are some of the things that needs to be changed:
- Materialistic values must be not be continued.
This is good in theory. But without those desires, production will fall drastically.
A farmer grows more food than he needs to provide for his family's basic needs b/c he wants more 'things'for him and his children...these materialistic desires (for more than what is necessary) drive people to do and make 'more'.
Now have that happen worldwide and you can hopefully see the problem...people would only produce the min. needed to get by
The materialistic values I speak of is not the same one you mention. I'm talking about the increasing popular desire to accumulate sickening amounts of materialistic wealth. Take a look at "sweet sixteen" on MTV. Does it not disgust you? That is the problem I'm addressing.
- Religion must go or values in main world religions must be heavily modified.
You are going to have be specific here...because most religions teach love, tolerance, and forgiveness...not to mention all the charity work they do.
So I do not know what you are trying to get rid of.
It is not the fault of religion that people have twisted the teachings...that is a people issue, not a religious one
From a previous discussion with you regarding religion I know what you stand for (good things)and I agree with you somewhat. The main problem I have with religion is its ability to take something natural and twist it so that people think it's bad...but for the most parts, the values within most popular religions are rooted in love and understanding.
- All drugs/narcotics must be grown/produced, distributed and controlled by the state.
I think that drugs should be decriminalized, taxed, and overseen by the gov (like tobacco and medicine). But I am not comfortable with gov. control
-see all the programs being run by gov. in a wasteful, non-efficient manner for support
Heavy bureaucracy aside, the current handling of the drug issues only does this: puts money into people who need it for war or accumulate wast amounts of wealth. Nothing else. Imprisoningusers again puts money into the people who run the prisons, nothing else. The whole system regarding the legality of the substance to the handling of the user when caught is as corrupt as it can be.
- All borders must be removed.
Why is that?
Then you would have huge population shifts...this would lead to overcrowding, a scarcity of resources, and increased violence in 'desirable' places to live.
You may have a very valid point. However, by removing the borders we make it one step closer to making people realise that we are in fact in the same small "boat".
- All local laws must be removed and replaced with world laws.
Why should all groups of people have to live under laws they do not agree with?
People enact laws to serve them...the laws are meant to serve us, we are not meant to serve the laws.
A law that is necessary/desirable in one area is not necessarily desirable in another.
People should be free to decide (together) what laws they want to serve them in a particular area
By implementing and enforcing reasonable global laws you eliminate a large number of problems. As of today child pornography is in fact legal in some old soviet states. We can have no free harbours for those out to bypass the system.
- Present economic system must be replaced with a real-value system. Meaning; you cannot "make" values (money) out of nothing. All values must be grounded to something concrete.
What about all the jobs that are necessary but are not concrete. Just because you do not 'make something' does not mean you have not provided something of value
-seeall service industry jobs.
This is related to the way banks today handle loans. A bank can take 1 dollar and magically transform it into 10 dollars. This system was created as a transition into real-value economy, only that the last phase did'nt happen. As a result can put one dollar on stake and if you don't pay your loan, it can take 10 dollars back from you, in terms of your house, car and so on. An American pointed out this to a court some years ago, when he was unable to fulfill his end of the bargain. The court ruled against the bank and made it so that he was'nt forced to pay back more than the actual value the bank had offered; one tenth. After this the rules concerning similar issues was changed.
The current system does nothing but build up debt. Where is the money to pay for the rest, 9 dollars, gonna come from? They do not exist. By basing the economy on something concrete you will not have these issues. Your farm-example is great. Farmers are primary, the baker is secondary, the shop is third and so on and with all value tied to something, you cannot create the amount of debt you can today.
- A one world currency must be introduced.
Not a bad idea, but too difficult to implement IMO. Though I would be interested in your proposed implementation strategy.
I need to work on that :) hehe
- All military-grade weapons research must end. Instead the resources currently allocated to this must shift to research within the field of medicine, free energy and space exploration.
People will always feel the need to defend what is matter if there are 100 or 1 forms of gov.
...the demand will always be there unless you modify people (not possible or ethical IMO)
Also, many ofour advances are due to weapons research
Free energy is nice in theory...but where is the motivation to provide and maintain something that is free
Why the obsession with space? We have not even fully explored the Earth yet. Also, I think we need to solve our issues here before we take them into space
My point was that too much effort is placed with making weapons and not enough with making things better. The need for individual protection and the right to bear arms is deeply rooted in the US, this in not what I speak of. I'm talking about how to make weapons of mass destruction.
The advances made through military research can be achieved through research on other areas. It just needs to be broken into segments. Fuel (propellant) as an example does not need to be put into a missile for it to be worth researching or made money off of.
- All national dept between countries and the world bank must be erased. We need to start over.
Why would countries forgive the debt that is owed to them? That would only hurt them. That would be advocating what is best for one country at the expense of another.
Furthermore, the situation would only start again. Loans are what fuels growth. So countries (like banks) will always be loaning money to other countries.
...unless you would like to see loans (and economic growth) end
Again related to the current economic system. The money being loaned doesn't actually exist. It's just numbers. If we are to make a stable long term economic system, the debt needs to be erased.
- A "max income" must be established for all jobs. No one person needs to accumulate the ridiculous amount of values that some people are able to do today.
See my farmer example. People would only work till they earned their max and would then 'quit' for the year.
-this would stifle production and kill motivation
Also, why would people do more difficult jobs if there was not an increased incentive over 'easier' jobs
Let me ask you this: what are some of the best payed jobs today? Stock trading is one example. Athlete is another. Are these people actually worth the amount of money they get paid or are they a result of a corrupt materialistic system? If you ask me, the lady who cleans the hospital floors has an equally important job, if not more, then the broker. Todays salaries is effed up, big time. This also needs to be reset. This is the main intent of that particular argument.
- Schools and education system must be changed to meet the variety of people. Todays system more or less force everyone to learn the same stuff in the same way.
I agree. But that would require a huge increase in spending (smaller cIasses, more teachers, bigger buildings, etc)
If you give more to one area, you have to be willing to spend less in another...what are you going to cut?
I'm educated as a teacher myself, but work in private sector. I could not easily stand behind the system as it is today as it produces about the same amount of "losers" as it does winners. Funding for this you say? Remove heavy bureaucracy and reduce military funding.
- Prison must only be used with major offences: Murder, rape, gross violence, gross ignorance (DUI with a result of injury as an example)and such. All other violations must be punished by communal service and further education.
Rehabilitation has proved to be ineffective. So I wonder what you would like to do for that.
I agree that drug offenses (personal consumption w/out injury) should not result in prison time.
But all other things (fraud, theft, harming another) should still result in harsh punishments.
Prison is nothing more then a source of income for a select few, rather than an institution for rehabilitation. This must be seem in the bigger picture and factor in education first and foremost. I believe a proper educational system could do rather nicely in catching those in risk of turning out to be future criminals.
Always a pleasure discussing with you raw. I must go now, gym and what not, but I'll check up on this later.
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