No, modern apes and humans have evolved from a similar ancestor. Humans didn't evolve from apes.
What did the common ancestor evolve from????
Lemurs.Below is a timeline of human evolution ouytling the major events, discoveries and important recent archeological finds.
Approximately 4000 million years ago the first single celled organisms form.
3900 million years ago cells resembling prokaryotes appear.
2500 million years ago the first organisms to utilize oxygen appear.
1200 million years ago sexual reproduction evolves an enables more rapid evolutionary change.
900 million years agoChoanoflagellate, a unicellular creature, appear and may be the ancestors to sponges and all other multicellular creatures. The live in colonies and show a primitive level of cellular specialization.
600 million years ago the earliest multicellular creatures appear.
580 million years ago the movement of all more advanced animal evolution begins with the formation of Cnidaria.
550 million years ago flatworms are the first animals to have a brain.
540 million years agoAcorn Worms are the first worm-like creatures to have a heart and a circulatory system.
530 million years ago the earliest known ancestor to both chordates and vertebrates appears known as Pikaia.
505 million years ago the first vertebrates appear.
480 million years ago the first jawed fishes appeared in the form of Placodermi. Their head and thorax were armor plated.
400 million years ago the first Coelacanth appearsand is today considered to be a living fossil.
375 million years agoTiktaalik appear. Fossils of this creature, with many features akin to four legged animals which lead to the evolution of amphibians, were found in Nunavut, Canada.
365 million years ago the first tetrapod appears
315 million years ago the first animal to have recognizable limbs appears in the form of Acanthostega.
300 million years ago the first reptiles appear.
256 million years ago the first mammal-like reptiles appear.
220 million years ago a group known as Cynodonts form more mammal-like features.
125 million years ago a creature know as an Eomaia leads to the formation of modern placental mammals.
100 million years ago the last common genetic ancestor of mice and humans exists.
65 million years ago a group of small, nocturnal and arborealinsect-eating mammals known as Euarchonta leads to a speciation that will lead to primate, tree shrew and flying lemur orders.
47 million years ago a transitional form between prosimians (lemur and other primative primates) and simians (monkeys and apes) appear. ("Missing Link" Photos: New Fossil Links Humans, Lemurs?)
40 million years ago primates diverge into suborders.
30 million years ago Haplorrhini (dry-nosed primates) split into infraorders of Platyrhinni (New world monkeys) and Catarhinni (Old world monkeys, apes and humans).
25 million years ago Catarhinni split into Old world monkeys and apes.
15 million years ago the great apes split speciate from the ancestors of the Gibbon.
13 million years agoHomininae speciate from the Hominidae (The Great Apes).
10 million years agoHominini speciate from the ancestors of Gorillas.
7 million years ago Hominina speciate from ancestors of the Chimpanzee.
4.4 million years ago Ardipthecus Ramidus Ramidus exists during the Pliocene. Australopithecus Afarensis left footprints in volcanic ash in Laetoli, Kenya. Evidence of bipedalism.
3.5 million years ago Kenyanthropus Platytops emerges from the Australopithecus genus.
Kenyanthropus Platytops
3 million years ago bipedal Australopithecenes are hunted by Dinofelis in the savannas of Africa. Loss of body hair takes place.
2.5 million years ago marks the appearance of the Homo genus. First stone tool use.
Homo Habilils
1.8 million years ago Homo Erectus evolves in Africa and later moves otu of Africa and begins colonizing Eurasia.
Homo Erectus (Notice the brow ridges)
1.5 million years ago control of fire by early humans is achieved. The evolution of dark skin begins.
516 thousand years ago the last common genetic ancestor of modern humans and Neanderthal exists.
355 thousand years ago 3 five feet tall Homo Heidelbergensis left footprints in volcanic ash in Italy.
195 thousand years ago the earliest remains of Homo Sapiens are burried in Ethiopia near the Omo river.
160 thousand years ago Homo Sapiens in Ethiopia practice mortuary rituals and butcher hippos.
150 thousand years ago Mitochondrial Eve lives in East Africa. She is the most recent X-chromosonal ancestor common to allmitochondrial lineages alive today.
70 thousand years ago the human form of the FOXP2 gene (mentioned in a previous post) appears.
60 thousand years ago Y-chromosonal Adam, the most recent common ancestor to all Y-chromosonal males alive today, lives in Africa.
50 thousand years ago begin the migration to South Asia.
40 thousand years ago begins the migration to Australia and Europe.
25 thousand years ago Neanderthals die out.
12 thousand years ago the evolution of light skin in Europeans occurs. The first domestication of the dog. Homo Florensis dies out.
10 thousand years ago the invention of farming int he fertile crescent occurs.
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_human_evolution)
Interesting Links:
List of human fossils
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List of notable fossils
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