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I wouldn't break any laws but take up a role as an observer. Think about it, if your invisible the world is like a giant movie.
The lot of you seem to be vastly overrating invisibility.
1. If you were invisible you would have to be naked, thus making it impossible for you to do anything you can't do with your bare hands. You can't rob a bank vault by punching it, and you definitely can't get out with the money.
2. Even if you did somehow get away with a great caper, the police will find DNA and Fingerprints. Then there's infrared cameras, which plenty of places have for security.
3. Scientifically speaking, being invisible would render you blind.
Personally, assuming I have some kind of magical invisibility that circumvents my first and third point, I would certainly use it for personal gain, but not for any big-time law-breaking. Although I suppose a magically invisible man would make for a good assassin if you got proper training.
of course i would. i would reak havoc all over the place. i would move something when someone is around so they will see and be like wtf?
knock on peoples doors and instead of running away i could just stand there to see their reaction.
I would walk the streets naked and be free without getting any indecent exposure charges from the cops
probably rob a couple stores
i would have tons of fun just messing with people.
i would go to walmart and walk around with something so it would appear to be floating, or knock something over. or walk around with condoms and put them in others carts. all they will see is a floating box of condoms going into their carts:lol: basically convince people that walmart is haunted:lol:
i would have so much fun.
theres others id do but its wise that it not be posted:P
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