getting sick of humans and how they think they are all kings and queens..... and how they treat animals. Iheard a few storys where dogs bit a person and they had to be put down..and im not even talking big dogs..medium size!cee1gee
Just because a dog is small doesn't mean they're dangerous. I had a dog who got put down not too long ago. He wasn't that big, either. A Jack Russel/Border Collie.Over his life, he had snapped at strangers before, evenbitten me and my family.One evening, he bit the hand of a family friend of mine. The bite was so bad that the friend had to go to the hospital. I think things get bad when the hospital finds out about it. They gave my family a warning; one more bite like that, and the dog must be put down. My family realized that our dog was simply too dangerous.
but guys like mike vick killed probably 100s of dogs and hes back in the nfl and the fans are probly still gonna love himcee1gee
Can't argue here. Sure, some dogs are simply too dangerous to be around, but stuff like that truly is sickening.
even a human doesnt get a death sentence when they kill someone (most of the time) but animals 1 little bite and they are sentenced to deathcee1gee
Humans can talk to each other. We can teach each other things way easier than animals. Sure, humans kill, but they have moral values. When it comes to animals, it gets far more complicated. Dogs simply don't understand our ways completely. We can give vocal commands, but a dog is still willing to attack a human to defend its territory. It's all about primal instincts.
I fully suuport alternative methods when it comes to danerous animals, but sometimes, there's just too many people who get hurt because of an animal.
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