- I'm 21 years old and I am in my 4th year of college. My plan is to stay an extra year so that I can take all of the courses necessary to receive a degree in Computer Science; I switched to it during my junior year, which is why I am behind. Anyhow, recently I've realized that college is not for me. I've been wasting my time and wasting money that I don't even have. The entire point of college is to get a job working in the field that you majored in.That entails working with other people, which is something I'm not good at. I don't feel comfortable around other people, and other people don't feel comfortable around me. Whenever I'm seen, people turn their heads, pull out their cellular phones or I-Pods, pretend that they're looking at the sky, suck their teeth, give me dirty looks, and yell obscenities at me from their cars. I just don't fare well with people. This makes it very unlikely that I'd ever do well at a company. I've learned that in life, it's not about how smart you are or how well you can work. It's about whether you can get along with other people, which is something I can't do.
- I was fired from the only actual job I've ever had for this very reason. I worked at a movie theater once. I was fired after two weeks. I was told it was because I didn't do a thorough job, but I'm sure it was because I didn't get along with the other workers. I'm positive about that. After college, I know that I'd never get hired or that if I did get hired, I would be fired eventually because of my inability to work well and socialize with others. I recall one time when I went to a career fair here at my university; practically every company that was there literally turned away when I approached. I give off this bad vibe. This has actually affected me academically. In every course I've taken which entailed lots of team work, I've either passed with a low grade or failed. In some cases, I've even dropped the course. For example, I'm taking a course this semester called Human Computer Interaction. I already plan on dropping it. Every class requires you to interact with other students or to give a presentation. I stopped going to the class after the third week into this semester. I just don't see myself standing in front of the class and giving a presentation, nor do I see myself ever working at a company along side other people. It's just not a realistic image. I've been kidding myself this whole time. The downside is that unlike other people my age who have family to fall back on while they decide what they want to do with themselves, I don't have anyone or anything. My father is dead and my mother (whom I was not raised by) is not fond of me. Don't be mistaken by deeming me as a lazy person. I'm not lazy; I do my work. However, I just don't do well with other people, which is what you need to do well in life.
- To the other people who may be in a similar situation as myself, what advice do you have? What should a person such as myself do with their life? I feel so lost.
Uh...first off, let me point out something before I forget to point it out. You got fired from working at a freaking movie theater because "you didn't do a thorough job". You also are doing poorly in school.
And you somehow think that this is the world's fault? That everyone is against you because you're not great at social interaction?
Look...not to judge you or anything, since I don't know you. But if you're getting fired from work for "not doing a thorough job" AND you're getting low scores in your classes, then doesn't that sort of point to the notion that you're not doing a thorough job? I mean...THINK about this. Doesn't that sound FAR more reasonable than suggesting that your employers and your teachers are simply discriminating against you because they dislike you as a person?
I mean...I am not popular. I avoid social contact at work and school, I either ignore my acquaintances are am outright rude to them, and I sometimes show up stinking of feces and pus (long story, don't ask). Yet, I've never been FIRED just because my coworkers just plain don't like me, and I've never gotten low marks in class because the teacher hates me because I stink.
Dude, I have no friends whatsoever. I'm 30 years old, and haven't been able to get a woman to let me touch her since 1998. And I probably stink more than you, and am uglier than you. And even then...I've never been FIRED "because everyone hates me". And I've sure as HELL never gotten low marks in school because "the teacher hates me."
The world isn't all about you. This is a lot like when boys have trouble getting a girlfriend, and ask, "why are girls so mean? I'm a nice guy, I'm funny and interesting...why do all girls just want to date losers and jerks?"
See...that kind of attitude is doing one thing...it's projecting the problem onto someone else. And if ONE GIRL rejected you, then yes it is reasonable to think that SHE is the one with a problem. However, if EVERY girl is rejecting you, then the problem is probably with YOU. Is it more likely that every girl is just irrational and insane, or is it more likely that Person X has a problem with women because HE is the one with serious ****ing problems?
Same with your situation. You're working at a movie theater as your first job. So...something tells me that you're probably not the owner, or the guy in charge of deciding which movies get screened there. You're probably selling popcorn or ripping movie tickets, that sort of thing. If so, those kinds of jobs aren't widely occupied by people with great work ethics. That's the kind of job that ANYONE can get with no training or experience, and that's why that's the kind of job where you expect people to suck at it. It's not expectecd that those workers CAN do much, so they usually aren't EXPECTED to do much. If you were a great worker but not a people person, ten it would be HARD to get fired, since you're a great worker. Which still make you a better worker than most of the oter people doing the same job, who are just kids who don't need the money and don't give a **** about the job. Similarly with school. Teachers aren't just gonna fail you because they don't like you, because that kind of discrimination can COST THEM THEIR JOBS. And ask yourself...how many teachers want to lose their jobs and their homes and go into financial ruin just to stick it to some kid who they don't like, and who is going to be gone in another few months anyway? Is that scenario in any way likely? I'm not saying that it NEVER happens, but people also win the lottery. It's just that..odds are that when that happens to a person, that person WON'T be you. If you're sucking and school and sucking at your job, then is it really feasible to blame that on people sticking it to you because they just don't like you? Or is it more likely that there really IS a problem with either your work ethic or your level of competency?
Anyway...I have a problem interacting with people as well. But I've never gotten fired for that. I've never failed a test or gotten a D on an essay for THAT. Maybe because the work was just plain subpar in the first place, but certainly not because everyone just plain hates me because I'm different. If you're not a People Person, then you're not a People Person, and that CAN hurt you in tangible ways. But...I see VERY LITTLE chance that that has ANYTHING to do with your specific problems. Yeah...unlikable people are at a disadvantage, but you can't blame all your problems on people discriminating against you because you're not a People Person. As another person like you, my ADVICE is to take some personal responsibility and start looking at YOURSELF in the mirror. Instead of assuming that people are screwing you over bcause they just plain don't like you, ask what YOU are doing wrong that's constantly getting you fired and getting you low marks in college.
Again, if ONE person treats you like crap out of prejudice, that's reasonable. But when EVERYONE is treating you like crap, what's more likely? That EVERYONE is simply a raging douchebag who is doing wrong to you? Or that the REASON why everyone treats you badly is because you've got a problem? Is it more likely that the p0roblem is the fault of you, or is it more likely that the problem is the fault of everyone EXCEPT you?
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