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Good for you. Alcohol is not the's irresponsibility.LJS9502_basic
Yeah so that pretty much could have summed it all up I think.
Woop-di-doo, ive never eaten a cat before, but im not going around bragging about it. Just like anything else thats pleasurable, its great--just be careful not to over-do it.
Drinking makes no sense to me and it only leads to problems, so I refuse to do it.
It seems like half the people at my school say, "Dude, I'm gonna get so wasted tonight," and end up coming to school on Monday looking like sh!t.
that's great for you. I recently stopped drinking and it's the best feeling i've had in a long time.
I don't drink because not being in control of myself terrifies me, and because alcohol smells awful. I'll stick to lemonade and water instead.
whats up with people goin on about the taste, k, warm beer is sick as hell,
theres nothing like a cold one though, and once you get past the first its like, gimmie another, and another
lol, beer, lifes answers to all problems........ yeah i've had a few already!!
aye, you don't need to get pissed to have a good time. hell, i had plenty of good times just watching my mates get pissed. but also don't automaticaly assume it's a bad thing either. just because you drink one night or once every couple weeks/months WON'T make you an alcoholic. And contrary to belief, it's doesn't make you do stupid things. Plenty of times I've been plastard but still knew I couldn't drive and never made any attempts. Hell I even stopped people from driving while I was hammered.
So don't think alcohol is something evil. It's doesn't make anyone do anything's just an easy excuse that stupid use when they do something stupid themselves. But there's also no need to rush into it. If you have plenty fun sober, then don't waste yer money on it ;)
I'm 24 and I don't like beer. Aside from the fact that it's grain-based, the taste just isn't something I care for at all. Give me a good pinot noir any day... although I've only had maybe 5 drinks since last August. Never been drunk in my life.
I just didn't see a reason to try to break the law when I was underage... I asked my parents for a sip of wine once or twice, but it's not like I have to "catch up" now that I'm 21. :? I've got a whole life ahead of me to try to various spirits and such... ;)
2 all you haters: I just got some warning for my content, but I feel that if it is already an off topic board, what does it matter whats being said? Second, I think I had emoted myself clearly and to the point, I'm not going to mask my oppinions for tact, or run to a mod, or whatever. Being a part of a forum is not life and death, I have a life. If I do have to insult you I abstain from vulgur words and insult you with intellect. Besides that its usally for a reason. Kick me off, this isn't the only forum out there, i've been kicked off better. Grow up.mxronin5If I were Gord, I believe this is the part where I would say "you do that," or "door's to your left." In other words, follow your own advice, and lay off the bashing.
I used to drink. I used to drink light sometimes and heavy other times. I quit 17 years ago. I have a question for those who stated "you're missing out". Missing out on what exactly? Being from both sides of this coin, I really would like to know. I remember what it was like being drunk. I just don't see how someone can be missing anything if they choose not to drink. I can still go to parties and have a great time being sober. I can still do things I choose to do and still be happy. I can still hang out with good friends, laugh, have a good time without being drunk. So I ask again, what are they missing out on? IMO, they're not missing much.
I imagine many of you are just young and haven't experienced much yet. From an old man like myself, all I'll say is there is so much more to life than drinking.
Now on to the subject of health – many studies indicate small consumption of alcohol is good for you and they would be right. However, do you know why this is? Most people don't. Many suggest small amounts of alcohol raise HDL cholesterol levels, which reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke, heart attack, etc. HDL is the good cholesterol by the way. Now, there are more ways to increase this than drinking alcohol. Walking and other types of aerobic exercise does wonders also as does eating the right foods, stop smoking, watch your weight, and cranberry juice all can increase your HDL levels. My point is; you DO NOT have to drink alcohol to be healthy. There are other ways.
Wow ! Thats impressive. You will achive much in this world. But never, wow ? I mean when u are hitting up a million dollar deal it will be hard to say no to your clients dude.Drinking makes no sense to me and it only leads to problems, so I refuse to do it.
It seems like half the people at my school say, "Dude, I'm gonna get so wasted tonight," and end up coming to school on Monday looking like ****.
Eh, I'm still young (14). Beer is still a bit beyond me (I've only taken swigs and tastes of Beer, German Beer is THE BEST.). But I'd be happier to say that "I'm 17 and I have never smoked a cigarette", than "I'm 17 and I never drank Beer", you can take drinking beer into moderation, but cigarettes are something I acually hate, I don't really mind Beer. I'm not stupid, I'll be drinking Beer by the time I'm 18-21 or whatever, but I'll never smoke.
But yeah, good for you man.
I used to drink. I used to drink light sometimes and heavy other times. I quit 17 years ago. I have a question for those who stated "you're missing out". Missing out on what exactly? Being from both sides of this coin, I really would like to know. I remember what it was like being drunk. I just don't see how someone can be missing anything if they choose not to drink. I can still go to parties and have a great time being sober. I can still do things I choose to do and still be happy. I can still hang out with good friends, laugh, have a good time without being drunk. So I ask again, what are they missing out on? IMO, they're not missing much.
I imagine many of you are just young and haven't experienced much yet. From an old man like myself, all I'll say is there is so much more to life than drinking.
Now on to the subject of health – many studies indicate small consumption of alcohol is good for you and they would be right. However, do you know why this is? Most people don't. Many suggest small amounts of alcohol raise HDL cholesterol levels, which reduce the risk for heart disease, stroke, heart attack, etc. HDL is the good cholesterol by the way. Now, there are more ways to increase this than drinking alcohol. Walking and other types of aerobic exercise does wonders also as does eating the right foods, stop smoking, watch your weight, and cranberry juice all can increase your HDL levels. My point is; you DO NOT have to drink alcohol to be healthy. There are other ways.
well put
[QUOTE="Omni-Slash"]my life isn't as shallow as to base my personal pride on my consumption of alcohol....or lack there of....flowdee79
Not drinking at 17 years of age is not shallow at fact it is very respectable.
it is a shallow what you defined yourself by not drinking...congrats?....who cares?'s a's like kids who are proud of themselves for not having didn't....some have.....oh well.....Presuming by beer you mean lager. Which tastes absolutely fowl.
I like a bit of a drink, but I wouldn't get plastered on p*ss. And I wouldn't really get drunk anyway. You feel horrible the next day.
Nice. I'm 18 and never had a drink. It's more about irresponsibility and wanting to fit in that kids drink. aRE-you-AFraid people for whom you are referring are the irresponsible/insecure kids.
For the rest of the world, enjoying a beer or glass of wine is simply something we like to do. And of course going out every once in a while with your college buddies and getting smashed is always fun too.
It seems theres two debates going on here, one about the consumption of alcohol period; and a second about drinking exsessively. There is a difference between drinking and enjoying a drink (neither of which are inherently bad).
To each their own...
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