Also is it better to live alone or with a roomate, I like to walk around naked.
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I stay at home and commute to college.
home food >>> campus food. :D
I know people who do that, that still have bed times.
It really depends on the college and the off-campus housing around the college. One of the colleges I was accepted in has horrible horrible dorms but the closet off-campus house is a 10 minute walk. But generally, stay in the dorm the first year or two and then after you've made some friends that you trust, move to an off-campus house. Maqda7Maqda7 has a point about friends. For me the school I went to had a mandatory first year on campus policy; the school officials even told us they wanted us to make friends our first year.
Dorm life is much more interesting than apartments especially your first year. Don't waste this oppertunity, you will more than likely build meaningful relationships in the dorms.
[QUOTE="Maqda7"]It really depends on the college and the off-campus housing around the college. One of the colleges I was accepted in has horrible horrible dorms but the closet off-campus house is a 10 minute walk. But generally, stay in the dorm the first year or two and then after you've made some friends that you trust, move to an off-campus house. 1KyardStareMaqda7 has a point about friends. For me the school I went to had a mandatory first year on campus policy; the school officials even told us they wanted us to make friends our first year. True, the college that I was talking about even gave us a guide to how to be friends with your roommate.
How are most dorms usually structured I heard some have more space between rooms, but have also heard some are just beds in the same room. My roomate will either have to be a women, gay or just be able to deal with my nudist ways.
It depends on the school. Whether it's Urban or Suburban. Things like that. It also depends on personal preference. If you want the whole dorm/college experience then live in the dorms. If you want privacy and less rules go for the apartment.Locke562Yeah, the first year I lived in the dorms and I have to say that it was a pretty great experience. I mean most people will do a campus dorm for the first year or two and then finally move out into a house or apartment.
I think it really depends on if you are going to a school close to home, or a school that a lot of your friends are going to. For me, I went to a school where I didn't know anyone, so living in the dorm was a great experience because I met TONS of people that way. Sure, it isn't the best living situation but you only have to deal with it for a year before you can move to an apartment. Basically, if you want to meet people on campus, the best way is by living in a dorm. You can meet people in classes but it isn't as easy as meeting people in your dorm. Also, it is very handy to live on campus and to be able to walk to class etc. That was a big convenience that I missed when I moved off campus.
One reason I liked the dorms at our school was because they were safer than living in a random apartment off campus. There was always someone at the front desk to see who came in and out (didn't keep track, but if someone who wasn't a student came in they would at least be aware of their presence). There were also card swipe lock things on each door leading to the different hallways with student rooms. Even when I moved to larger campus housing, it was still cheaper than paying for an off campus apartment.
I lived close to home during my college years so I saved quite a bit of money that way, but I would admitted I missed out on quite a bit since none of my college buddies live in my part of town.
My preference would be to live on campus for the first year then, go off campus and live with some friends. The first year on campus experience should really help prep you for the later years, though I would say the dorms usually are in subpar conditions that you might need to tolerated as some has mentioned here.
I'm going to college this year and i think home commute would be better...but if i had to pick i'd get an apartment...only because i don't have to deal with other peoples odd behavior, as well as the idiots who think excessive partying will get them anywhere in life. Plus, walking nude doesn't mean a girl would like guys probably love whatever..i'd get an apartment still..then you can be alone with your nudist ways...and it'll be quiet...better for studying etc..
Live alone, Off Campus (if you have a car)... It depends on what kind of person you are.
I'm really isolative and I don't like to expose my sexuality to roomates. Its really awkward for me to bring home a guy when i had straight roomates...
But if you like being social and partying then Living with roomates is good for you.
I don't like living on campus cause i always feel that you have to act professional at all times and sometimes that can get a little annoying. Especially when everyone else living there is acting a fool.
My roomate will either have to be a women, gay or just be able to deal with my nudist ways.Mercenary848I don't think anyone's going to be able to deal with you walking around in the nude, whether they're the opposite sex, or homosexual. :|
It's good for everybody to expirence communial living once in their life.. Especialy for Americans who usuasly detest the idea.
First year: Dorms, its really a once-in-a-lifetime experience plus you'll meet a bunch of people and make friends and have crazy parties and whatnot.
You drastically reduce the chance of that happening if you don't live in the dorms.
2nd year on: Apt. and you can decided whether you want to live with someone or not.
It depends on the school. Whether it's Urban or Suburban. Things like that. It also depends on personal preference. If you want the whole dorm/college experience then live in the dorms. If you want privacy and less rules go for the apartment.Locke562I spent 2 years in the dorms at PSU and I am more than ready to live in an apartment this year. The dorms are nice for meeting fellow freshmen, but besides that, there is really no point to be in them. I'd suggest dorm first, then apartment.
Depends on the school. Even if you don't like living with people or whatever the reason may be (unless its a dry campus) you can request a single room (you'll pay more for it but its worth it if you need it). You also have to consider which is cheaper. Most universities here boot you out of the dorms when you become a Junior/3rd year and through them you get off campus apartments at a huge discount. If you don't follow this program you might end up paying as much as a regular resident.
I think you should experience dorm life for at least one year. I did it for about 2.5 years, but it wasn't a conventional dorm. They were basically off-campus dorms that used to be a part of the school but were bought out by a private company. Still got the dorm life though. After a year or two is when you can get your own apartment. At least in my opinion.
Well you have a few things to look at. First of all, and the most important point, is price.
If you're going to a college and they offer a reasonably priced dorm room, then it can be a deal breaker.
The apartments in my area typically hover around 550$ a month for a two person. So if we take 225 x 12 we get 2700$. This doesn't include utilities or anything so to be safe add another 1k to get around 3700$ for where I live.
My college charges more than the cost of tuition to live there. It's around 6500$ per year which is just crazy in my opinion, so I opted for an apartment.
Another important detail is socialization. Do you want to get a network of friends at the college? If you are just starting off and want to get away from home, save some gas money for travel, and begin a network in the dorms, that's the way to do it.
Dorms are usually smaller than most average apartments, you might have to deal with loud obnoxious people all the time, (also true in an apartment, but fewer people) or hall RA's. If you live in an apartment you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want.
The best answer I would give is to see if you have a friend or two who are interested in an apartment, then go to the dorms and ask around to see what the dorms are like. People are usually pretty candid about them.
It really depends on the college and the off-campus housing around the college. One of the colleges I was accepted in has horrible horrible dorms but the closet off-campus house is a 10 minute walk. But generally, stay in the dorm the first year or two and then after you've made some friends that you trust, move to an off-campus house. Maqda7
That's exactly what my brother did.
Overall, the apartment was a lot cheaper.
First year live in the dorms. Make new friends. Second year you should get your own place off campus.
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